Why is the moral of civil society called humanistic

With the emergence of man, certain norms of his behavior arise concerning himself, other people and society as a whole: customs, traditions, rules. Moral norms allow us to evaluate people’s actions from the point of view of good and evil. The norms of morality offer the ideal of human behavior. The embodiment of this ideal provides man and the influence of public opinion. If a person violates the norms of morality, this causes public condemnation. So it has been a long time.

During the years and millennia, certain moral norms have receded into the past, as, for example, the protection of honor and dignity in a duel, common during the late Middle Ages; other norms exist even now. It is they who make up the totality of the so-called norms of Universal Human Morality.

Today many developed countries are increasingly talking about the formation of the Civil Society. In such a society, the highest value is a person, a citizen. The task of civil society is to create the best conditions for its diversified development, active participation in public life. Society strives to ensure that every person can maximize their abilities, apply them for their own interests, as well as for the good and happiness of people and humanity as a whole.

To achieve this goal, in many states where civil society is developing, laws are adopted that guarantee and protect human rights and freedoms, state institutions, organizations that deal with problems of life and development of citizens are created.

In order to actively influence the life of society, citizens themselves create voluntary associations, partnerships, associations, which, without the interference of state authorities and state institutions, solve their own life’s problems. Associations and societies can direct their activities to create conditions for the development of creative abilities of citizens, to unite those who have a common hobby. Among them there are charitable organizations, creative, scientific and trade unions, public media, sports, children’s, youth, women’s organizations, associations of interests, etc.

Civil society consists of free and equal people who seek to work together for the benefit of their power and other people. They have common human values: tolerance, respect for life, rights and dignity of other citizens. They respect their colleagues, other people and social institutions with respect, recognize the right of other citizens to their own opinion, their statement and upholding. In such a society, goodwill and social activity are also regarded as positive qualities. The moral of this society is Humanistic, that is, one that is aimed at human development and recognizes its highest value. In civil society, morality is gradually becoming the most important factor and regulator of the life of every person and society as a whole. Its norms affect the content of laws, adopted in a democratic state for the protection of human rights and freedoms. It builds civil society and Ukraine.

Civil society is such a social system in which people create a network of voluntary associations for the expression, satisfaction and protection of different strata of the population, strive to ensure moral relations among all citizens of the country.

Humanistic morals are moral norms, imbued with concern for the welfare of man, respect for his dignity, humanity.



