Incarnation examples from literature

Even in ancient times, people endowed surrounding objects and phenomena with human characteristics. For example, the earth was called mother, and the rain was compared with tears. Over time, the desire to humanize inanimate objects has disappeared, but in literature and in conversation we still meet these turns of speech. This figurative language tool has received the name impersonation. So, what is the avatar?

Incarnation: Definition and Functions Incarnation is a literary device in which inanimate objects are endowed with properties that are inherent in living beings. Sometimes this turn of speech is called personification.

Incarnation is used by many prose writers and poets. For example, Yesenin can be found the following lines: “Singing winter, aukaet, shaggy forest cuddles.” It is clear that the winter as the time of the year can not make sounds, and the forest only makes noise because of the wind. Incarnation allows you to create a vivid image of the reader, convey the mood of the hero, emphasize some action.

What is the personification in the literature, it is understandable, but this turn of speech is used and in colloquial speech. Familiar to all the phrases “milk ran away,” “the heart is jerking,” are also personification. The use of this literary technique in the conversation makes speech figurative and interesting. However, we do not even think about using this method.

You can also give examples of what an avatar is. For example, we often say that it’s raining (although the rain clearly has no legs) or the clouds are frowning (it is clear that the clouds can not experience any emotions).

In general, it can be said that personification is such a literary turn, in other words, a language path in which the inanimate is endowed with signs and qualities of the living. Avatar is often confused with a metaphor. It is worthwhile to understand that a metaphor is just a figurative meaning of a word, a figurative comparison. For example – “golden autumn”. Therefore, to distinguish the personification from other literary turns is very easy.

And grief, sorrow, grieve! And the grief of the mountain was girded, Mochalami feet are muddled.

There is a gray sorceress, he waves his sleeve with his Shaggy; And snow, and scum, and hoar frost, And water turns into ice. From her cold breath of Nature, her eyes became numb.

After all, it’s autumn in the yard. Through the spindle he looks. Following her winter In a warm fur coat goes, Put a snow blowing snow, Under the sleigh crunches.

Hyperbola: Midnight whirlwind – the hero flies! The darkness from his brow, with the whistling of dust! Lightning from the eyes run ahead, Oaks ridge lie behind. Set foot on the mountains – the mountains crack; Lies on water – the abyss boil; Gradu will touch – the hail falls, Towers throws the tower by the hand.



