When I was instructed to write a report on polar bears. I immediately introduced Umka and his mother from my favorite cartoon. In fact, these animals are very interesting and unusual.
The polar bear is one of the largest predators on Earth. Its weight is from 300 to 800 kg, and the length can reach up to three meters. Light, and sometimes yellowish hair stores subcutaneous fat and protects well from cold, so animals do not freeze either on land or under water. Interestingly, the skin of the bear under the coat is black, like the nose. Their feet have an unusual oblong form, which allows them not to fall under the snow and overcome distances of 30 kilometers. Thanks to the partitions between the fingers the animals swim well and hunt under water.
Inhabitants of the Arctic, they adhere to the coast and floating ice floes, eat fish, seals, and sometimes young walruses. Bears can for a long time dispense with food, but when food is found, they eat up to 10 kilograms of meat at a time. In summer they can eat plants. Predators are very agile, despite the huge weight and thick skin. Cautiously track down their prey and stun her with paws.
Basically, these animals are solitary, but in spring they are defined as pairs for the creation of offspring. Small families they are developing a new territory, but do not stay long on it. Female polar bears during the bearing of cubs almost do not leave the shelter and lose weight 2 times. After the birth of the little ones (usually one or two), the she-bear spends a few months with them in a specially dug lair, because they are not yet adapted to the cold. Newborn cubs go everywhere for their mother – they are very attached to her. It teaches them to hunt, survive in harsh conditions.
Unlike brown bears, their northern brothers do not fall into a long hibernation, they do not sleep for long, not every year and, mostly, females.
The bears are very well developed sense of smell and vision. They can see and smell their victim for kilometers.