Teenager and his rights

How often do we hear about the non-observance of the rights of adolescents, but for some reason they are only remembered after their next high-profile case. But after all, a teenager needs to know what rights he has in the family and in the school, one can not recall the need for education in this area only at the time of exposing their next blatant violation. Otherwise, what kind of protection and observance of the rights of children and adolescent teenagers can be said, if the children themselves do not have any concept about their rights? By the way, while we are adults, apart from the indistinct mumbling about the right to life, we can say what rights a teenager has? Apparently not, because at every step they are violated, especially with regard to employment issues and the rights of working adolescents. So what kind of rights does a teenager have?

The UN Convention guarantees the following rights:

The right to life – birth, residence and affordable medical services;

The right to development – education, leisure, recreation and participation in cultural life;

The right to protection – care for orphans, refugees, as well as protection from the acquisition and use of drugs;

The right to active participation in the life of society – ensuring freedom of speech, religion, conscience.

Rights of a teenager at school

The rights of the child in school are not limited to the right to receive free education. The adolescent also has the right to:

Providing literature from the school’s library funds;

The choice of the educational institution and the program of education;

Pedagogical and psychological assistance;

Transfer to another educational institution;

Free expression of one’s opinion and respect for one’s convictions;

Leave the institution until full secondary education is obtained upon reaching the age of 15, with parental consent;

Training in conditions that guarantee its safety, and also meet modern requirements and training standards;

Voluntary participation in school improvement activities;

Hold meetings and rallies during extra-curricular time if they suspect a violation of their rights;

To create public organizations in school, starting from the age of 8 years.

The rights of a teenager in the family

Without the consent of the parents, children aged 6-14 years are entitled to make small household transactions, to dispose of funds provided by guardians or parents, and to carry out transactions that are to be profitable without the cost of funds.

After reaching 14 years, the rights of the adolescent are expanding. Now he has the right to dispose of his money (scholarship, earnings or other income); to enjoy all the rights of authors of works of art, science, literature or invention; invest money in bank accounts and dispose of them at their own discretion.

The labor rights of a teenager

Employment is possible from the age of 14 with the consent of the parents and the trade union of the organization. The employer in the presence of workplaces is obliged to take the minor to work. A minor has the right to be recognized as unemployed when he reaches 16 years of age. With minors, an agreement on full liability is not concluded, and they are not allowed to assign tests when hiring. Also, a teenager can not be recruited with a probationary period of more than 3 months, upon agreement with the trade union, the trial period may be extended to six months. It is forbidden to take minors to work related to harmful and dangerous working conditions, underground work and work associated with lifting weights above the standards. Adolescents aged 16 to 18 years can not carry heavy weight more than 2 kg, the transfer of goods heavier than 4.1 kg is allowed for a third of the working time. Working time can not be more than 5 hours a day in adolescents aged 15-16 years, and 7 hours at the age of 16 to 18 years. When training and combining studies with work, the working day should not be more than 2.5 hours at the age of the employee of 14-16 years, and not more than 3.5 hours at the age of 16-18. Dismissal is allowed only upon agreement with the Commission for Minors and the State. Labor inspection or other work. 5 hours at the age of 16-18. Dismissal is allowed only upon agreement with the Commission for Minors and the State. Labor inspection or other work. 5 hours at the age of 16-18. Dismissal is allowed only upon agreement with the Commission for Minors and the State. Labor inspection or other work.



