According to the ancient Greek faith, Artemis was the goddess of hunting and fertility, the patroness of all life on earth. She looked after the animals in the forest, herds of domestic animals, plants. Artemis provided a happy marriage and help with childbirth.
In honor of Artemis in Ephesus on the site of the former sanctuary of the Karian goddess, also responsible for fertility, a temple was built. The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus was so great that it immediately fell into the list of the seven wonders of the world of the ancient world. Financing for the construction was covered by the Lydian king Croesus, the architect of the Knossos Harsifron led the construction business. When he had time to build walls and columns. After his death, his son Metagen became the chief architect. The last stage of the construction was led by Peonite and Demetrius.
The construction of the temple of Artemis of Ephesus was completed in 550 BC. In front of the locals there was a delightful sight, which was never built here. And although it is not possible to recreate the former decoration of the church at the present time, one can be sure that the best masters of his time, employed here at work, could not blunder. The statue of the culprit was built of ivory and gold.
The image of the former majestic temple of the goddess Artemis in Ephesus was reconstructed only after archaeological excavations. The temple measured 105 by 51 meters. The roof of the structure was supported by 127 columns, each 18 meters high. According to legend, each column was donated by one of the 127 Greek rulers.
In addition to religious services, the temple was full of financial and business life. It was an independent center of Ephesus, subordinate to the local collegium of priests.
In 356 BC, when the famous Alexander of Macedon was born, the temple of Artemis was burned by a resident of Ephesus, Herostratus. The motive of this feat is to remain in history in memory of descendants. Pyro, after the capture, was awaited by the highest penalty. In addition to it, it was also decided to eradicate the name of this person from history. But what is forbidden, even more firmly settles in the memory of people, and the name of Herostratus is now a household name.
By the 3rd century BC, the miracle of the world, the Temple of Artemis in Greece was restored on the initiative of the aforementioned Alexander the Great, but with the arrival of the ready, it again undergoes destruction. Later, with the ban of pagan cults, the Byzantine authorities closed the temple. Then they begin to be gradually disassembled into building materials, as a result of which the temple goes into oblivion. In its place was erected a Christian church, but it also awaited the fate of destruction.
October 31, 1869, the British archaeologist Voodoo manages to find the location of the former temple of Artemis in Turkey, and excavations begin. Now in its place is one recovered from the wreckage column. Despite this, the place still attracts thousands of tourists.