Spring time for many people is the most favorite season of the year, because with its onset nature awakens to life after hibernation. The gloomy sky is becoming more blue. More and more often because of the clouds peeps the friendly sun. Under its tender rays, last year’s snow melts, spring drops begin. From the ground a young green grass breaks through, pleasing the eye, where it appeared, the first snowdrops. A stream creeks with joy. On the branches of trees and shrubs bud buds swell, and soon green leaves are blossoming.
The starlings of the starlings inform about their return from distant lands. After them there are other migratory birds that chirp no less loudly and cheerfully. Spring music is replaced by the howling of the wind. People change the winter wardrobe for lighter clothes. The days are gradually getting longer and warmer. Spring-field work begins.
From early morning until late in the evening, children’s voices do not stop. Everywhere a dog barking is heard. Cats go out to bask in the sun and soak up the young grass.
The air is filled with an inexpressible variety of smells. The spring nature is unique and charming.