What is faith?
Many believe that believing means simply accepting something on faith without any evidence. For example, a person can say: “I believe in God.” But if you ask him why he believes, maybe he will answer: “I was brought up like this” or “I’ve always been taught this.” This shows that people do not make a big difference between faith and gullibility.
“Faith is a justified expectation of that which is hoped for, an evident proof of the existing, though invisible” (Hebrews 11: 1). In order for a person’s expectations to be justified, he must have good reasons for certainty. So, the word used here, translated as “reasonable expectation,” means more than just a feeling or a desire to believe in something. Therefore faith implies a conviction based on evidence.
“His [God] invisible qualities: eternal power and divine essence – are clearly visible from the creation of the world, because they are recognized through what is created” (Romans 1:20).
Why is it important to have faith?
“Without faith it is impossible to please God, because approaching God must believe that he is and that he rewards those who are persistently seeking him” (Hebrews 11: 6).
As already noted, many believe in God simply because they have been taught this. “I was brought up like this,” they might say. But God wants those who worship him to be completely sure that he exists and that he loves them. This is one of the reasons why the Bible urges us to persistently seek it and acquire accurate knowledge about it.
“Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you” (James 4: 8).
How to gain faith?
“Faith comes with what is heard,” says the Bible (Romans 10:17). Therefore, the first step to gaining faith in God is to “hear” what the Bible really teaches about it (2 Timothy 3:16). Studying the Bible will help you find clear answers to such important questions as: who is God? What are the evidences of its existence? Does God love me? What awaits us in the future?
Evidence of the existence of God can be seen everywhere
Jehovah’s Witnesses will be happy to help you study the Bible. That’s what’s on our website jw. “Jehovah’s Witnesses like to share Bible knowledge with people, but we do not force anyone to become a member of our religion. On the contrary, we show in a respectful manner what the Bible says, recognizing each person’s right to decide what to believe in him or her.”
In summary, you can say that your faith should be based on the evidence you received during Bible study. So you will follow the example of the believers of the first century who “took the word with extraordinary zeal, scrutinizing the Scriptures every day, to see if it was really so” (Acts 17:11).
“In order to have eternal life, it is necessary to acquire knowledge about you, the only true God, and the one you sent Jesus Christ” (John 17: 3).