The English are famous for their ancient customs and traditions. Some traditional British dishes, holidays and sports are known all over the world.
The tradition of a hearty breakfast has existed since the XVIII century. A full English breakfast became very popular after the First World War, at that time it was served in hotels and restaurants across the country.
The full breakfast includes sausages, bacon and eggs, which are served with toast, baked tomatoes, baked beans and fried mushrooms.
One of the most famous English traditions is afternoon tea – tea and light snacks, which are traditionally served around five in the evening. Englishmen often drink tea with milk; with sugar or without.
Tea is usually served with canapés, puffs, buns, cakes, jam and marmalade. Traditional treats for tea are also puddings, buns, muffins and biscuits.
Pancake Day or Shrovetide Tuesday is celebrated in February or March. This is the day preceding the Ash Wednesday – the first day of the forty-day Great Lent. Pancake Day is celebrated in Britain for centuries.
On Shrovetide Tuesday, children go from house to house and ask them to treat them with pancakes. Throughout Britain, “Pancake Runs” are held, the participants of which run with pans in their hands, throwing and turning over pancakes in the air.
The Marbles Championship is an annual competition that takes place on Good Friday. Teams of six players knock out glass balls from the concrete circle. The winner receives a silver cup.
The night of Guy Fawkes is celebrated on November 5th. Its history dates back to November 5, 1605, when the Powder Plot was discovered. That night, Guy Fox, one of the conspirators, was arrested, and London residents lit fires, marking the King’s salvation.
Today, Guy Fawkes’ Night is widely celebrated in Britain. On this night, people light campfires, fireworks and burn stuffed Guy Fawkes.