The most urgent topic for each person is friendship. It is important to any of us. Such a warm relationship does not make a difference between a man and a woman, old and young, rich and poor. I thought for a long time whether it is possible to call open and close relations between two people a feeling, because each of them is guided by their warm emotions. Moreover, this sympathy between people, she as if alive can grow and blossom. And maybe even bring fruit. But sometimes it happens that friendship can die. Why is this happening? To understand this, you need to learn about friendship more, and understand what it depends on.
When two people just get acquainted, they can rarely say about their future relationships, get along with each other or remain indifferent to each other, and maybe it will happen that a wall of misunderstanding grows between them. And among those who become friends, there is no one hundred percent sure that their relationship will be strengthened for the rest of their lives, and they will remain friends.
As I understand friendship – this is when people find what they like in the character of another person. And one person and another want to communicate, tell stories, share cases. They are pleased to consult and discuss issues that they would not like to make public. And when they see that their little secrets have remained a secret, and the sympathy of a friend has increased, then their friendly relations develop into a stronger and frank friendship. This is just another stage of their feelings. And most likely they will have a lot more to listen to and tell one another. It is important that respect is the basis of their frankness.
Of course, such relationships are very valuable and they need to be protected. And it must always be done tactfully and honestly. If, however, the time comes for experiencing feelings, one must remember the goal of keeping friendship if it is still expensive. I really want to have a true friend, so that communication with him would please me for many years.