Perhaps in life it is difficult to meet a situation in which one or another Russian proverb and proverb would not fit. The Russian people are very wise. This experience, knowledge accumulated for many centuries and found its reflection in oral folk art, in folklore.
In life there are cases in which you can not remain indifferent. However, not everyone thinks so. Some people, seeing someone else’s trouble or problem, pass by without any help, not trying to support or somehow participate in the fate of a person. I am sure that there are fewer such people than kind, sympathetic people, but they, unfortunately, have always been, are and will be.
The modern world is constantly shaking the negative news from different parts of the world. There are natural cataclysms (floods, earthquakes), or other catastrophes (fires, for example). In the last decade, the incidence of terrorist acts has increased. Innocent people are killed by dozens.
I was impressed by the ambivalent attitude to such tragedies on the part of people during the terrorist attack in Moscow. Many people were killed, which is not to blame for anything. They went down the metro to get to the hour of work, but they could not do it, but were literally trapped in the twisted metal. Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations arrived to the scene of the incident, delivered them to the surface, provided all necessary assistance.
I do not argue, there were also volunteers, after all for anybody not a secret, that the world not without kind people. They offered all possible help. But there were also cases when taxi drivers several times increased the fee, cashing in on another’s grief. I consider this unacceptable. Even among animals there is mutual assistance. You can not fall below this level!
In everyday life we also encounter situations where a person can help his neighbor (not necessarily even a familiar person), but for some reason he does not do it. It’s about transferring an elderly person or child across the road or taking a kitten out of the tree, who climbed up there and can not go down on his own. Will this man not then be tormented by remorse.
In such cases, you always need to put yourself in the place of a person in trouble. We need to treat people around us the way we would like them to treat us. It is necessary to be merciful, not indifferent, to take part in the life of close people when it is required. After all, if we do not help our relatives in a difficult situation, then it’s unlikely that anyone else will do it except us.