Composition “Autumn is my favorite season”

Autumn is my favorite season. Why fall? Autumn fills me with inspiration, its magnificent landscapes can not leave anyone indifferent. In the autumn I really like to walk around the park and watch the surrounding nature. You go and admire the beauty, variety and brightness of autumn colors.

Before all, yellow birches. Their leaves are like coins, which are poured in the sun. In addition to them, the maples are still burning. They have large leaves and they are the brightest of trees. Their color changes gradually, first they are burgundy-green, then burgundy-orange, then orange-yellow, and at the end bright yellow. Particularly beautiful carpets of autumn leaves. Under each tree is delivered its carpet. Bright yellow, orange, yellow-green, burgundy-red, mottled. But sometimes there are not enough words to convey all the autumn beauty, you just stand and look with bated breath.

Such beauty passes very quickly, soon trees drop all their outfits. Therefore it is worth as much as possible during this time to walk along the street, when the sun shines and around bright, colorful landscapes. How wonderful that there is such a wonderful time of the autumn. Yes, it brings with it rain and cold, but at the same time it brings and extraordinary beauty, from which breathtaking.



