“Problem of interrelations of generations”
The problem of “fathers” and “children” existed at all times. After all, the relationship between children and parents does not always go well. The difference in age, different interests, differences in tastes – all this leads to conflicts.
Let’s recall the great novel of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev “Fathers and Sons.” The problem of “fathers” and children “is acute in this work. The author focuses on her attention throughout and throughout the novel shows us various conflict situations between parents and children. Eugene Bazarov feels alien to his family and his friend’s family Arkady Kirsanov In my opinion, this is due to the fact that Eugene is a nihilist and has views that differ from those of other people. The elder generation of Kirsanov carefully communicated with Bazarov, considering him another person, and his parents loved him with all his friends echeniyami, but the Eugene did not understand.
The problem in the novel is acute, in support of that we recall the fact that Bazarov until the very end was rude to his parents and did not take their positive feelings and strong parental love. Eugene loves his parents, undoubtedly, but to admit it openly, for some reason can not, thereby brings parents grief. Mutual understanding of speech can not and can not, the conflict of generations is inevitable.
In the trilogy of Leo Tolstoy’s “Childhood, Adolescence and Youth”, the problem of “fathers” and “children” is also touched upon. Nikolenka Irtenev seeks to know the world. And his ideas about a beautiful and ideal world are destroyed when the process of cognition begins. Over time, Nikolenka understands that not everything is as beautiful as he imagined. He faces incomprehension of the elders, often they are offended by them, and then unintentionally offends them. This we see in the chapters “Classes”, “Natalia Savishna.”
The problem of “fathers” and “children” was also touched upon by K. G. Paustovsky in the story “Telegram”. The sad story of the girl and her relationship with her mother makes us, the readers, think about how we treat our parents and people close to us. The girl Nastya – the main character of the story, receives a letter that her mother is seriously ill. But important, according to the girl’s case, do not allow her to go to the village to her mother. When she finally could come, she found out that her mother was no more. That’s because of stupidity and because of the wrong attitude towards their loved ones, the girl did not just lose her mother, but she could not even say goodbye to her. Love. caring respect and honor – that’s what we need to experience and show to our parents.
A lot of literary works are full of arguments about the problem of “fathers” and “children.” Undoubtedly, the older and younger generation can not have the same views on life and interests. Due to their age and life experience, adults look at the world differently than the younger generation. But this should not become a septum between generations. After all, children and parents are the closest people in the world. That’s why we must protect our parents.