What is the main theme of the novel?
“David Copperfield” is a novel about the formation of personality, about the fate of a young man entering life.
Can we call Dickens’s novel an autobiographical work?
The novel is written in the first person, and on its pages many events from the author’s life were reflected, Dickens’s childhood impressions and experiences, memories of the activities of the parliamentary reporter, about the experience of love, about relationships in the family were transferred. However, “David Copperfield” is not an autobiographical novel.
How true were the predictions of the mother of David’s mother that “the child born on Friday, at midnight, is destined to experience unhappiness in life”?
David’s life, indeed, began with unhappy events. He lost his father first, then his mother. David’s stepfather was cruel and soulless towards him. The boy learned early the burden of labor, suffered a lot of insults and humiliations. But in his life there were also happy events, good and kind people who helped him survive the misfortunes that had fallen on him.
Who among the family members had the strongest influence on the formation of the personality of David?
Grandmother, Mr. Dick, the Peggotty family.
How big is the influence of the school on the fate of man? Why is the school in Salem House “bad”?
She did not fulfill her main task: to teach, to give knowledge.
What were the ideas of a good school at my grandmother David?
Grandmother believed that she should make the child a happy and useful person.
What kind of person did David Copperfield dream of becoming? Were there any mistakes in David’s life and how did he treat them? What lessons can be learned from reading the novel? What is the character of Dickens different from the heroes of Balzac and Stendhal?
Having passed the life tests, he does not lose the best that is peculiar to his personality, does not disappoint in people, preserves moral purity, kindness, responsiveness.