Despite a modest circulation, the first edition of The Suffering of the Young Werther made a lot of noise in Germany and abroad. The German youth put on a “werewolf suit,” many young people, like the protagonist of the novel, committed suicide, and the hero’s beloved, ingenuous and natural in all his manifestations, Lotta, became the female standard of his time. The young author of the novel in a blink of an eye became famous not only in Germany, but throughout Europe. “The suffering of the young Werther” was Napoleon’s favorite book. He read it six times and, according to his own statement, “knew thoroughly.” Moreover: this novel the great commander took with him to the Egyptian campaign – together with the Bible and the Koran. The last time Napoleon read the “Werther”
Achieving Goethe’s high position in his principality, the young Duke of Saxe-Weimar claimed: “Such a person can not perform boring mechanical work.”