(1938 – 1980)
Poet, novelist, songwriter, actor.
He was born on January 25 to Moscow in the family of a military communications officer who passed the whole war. In 1947 – 1949 Vysotsky lived with his parents in Eberswalde (near Berlin) at his father’s place of service; then with his mother – in Moscow.
After graduation, he entered (at the insistence of his parents) at the Moscow Institute of Mechanics and Mechanics, but soon realized that this was not for him, he left the institute and entered the Moscow Art Theater (he had been engaged in amateur activities for several years before). He studied from 1956 to 1960.
After graduating from college, he began working at the Moscow Theater. A. Pushkin, but soon left and “began to wander around the different Moscow theaters.”
Since 1964 he joined the troupe of the newly organized Taganka Theater, whose actor remained until the end of his life. The main director Yu. Lyubimov strongly supported Vysotsky, respected his songwriting, gave an opportunity to work in plays as the author of texts and music. Vysotsky played in the theater more than 20 roles.
Verses Vysotsky began to write very early, did not give up this occupation and in his youth, encouraged by his close friends, for whom he wrote and sang (“I saw that my comrades need me to sing to them and they want to hear what I mean I’ll tell them in the song… “). The first song was written in Leningrad in 1961. For the first time hearing the performance of Okudzhava, I was amazed at how much this manner of laying down verses under the guitar affects the listeners. I began to try to do it myself.
The first songs – a tribute to time – the so-called “yard”, city songs. During his short life Vysotsky wrote about a thousand songs in different genres: fairy-tales, burlesque, jokes, marching rhythms, etc.
Many songs he wrote for the cinema. He starred in 30 feature films. Officially unrecognized, the poet was loved by millions of people; bypassing radio, television, printing, thanks to tapes, Vysotsky’s songs became known to everyone. He found for himself an oral, song form in which his work lived freely for twenty years. Every author played the “role”, composed in the song. With the help of his wife, Marina Vlady, he was able to make a concert tour in the USA in 1979, to visit different countries, “to see the world”.
During the life of the poet, not one of his poems was published, no open concert was allowed. After the death of V. Vysotsky, in Moscow, a collection of poetry poems was published – “Nerve” (1981), compiled by R. Rozhdestvensky; later – a small volume of his prose.
In 1988, a large book of poems by V. Vysotsky “Favorites” was published, in which his poetic work is represented most fully: “Brotherly Graves”, “Song of a Friend”, “About Yogis”, “Farewell”, “Save Our Souls”, “Moscow – Odessa, 07, White Bath, Hunting for the Wolves, Dialogue with the TV, and many others.