(7.03.1928 – 9.06.1984)
Chivilikhin Vladimir Alekseevich (7.03.1928, Mariinsk, Kemerovo region – 9.06.1984, Moscow). His father worked on freight trains, died in 1938. At the age of 13 I came to work as a mechanic in a railway depot. He graduated from zheldortekhnikum at Taiga station. After the war, the family moved to Chernigov. He graduated with honors in 1954, journalist of Moscow State University. He devoted a decade to the “Komsomolskaya Pravda”. Leonid Leonov considered Leonidov his teacher in literature. The first book “The Living Force” about foresters of the Arctic circulated in 1957. One of the first to fight for Baikal, published in 1963 in the journal “October” article “The Light Eye of Siberia,” in which he argued the possible harm from the construction of a pulp and paper plant on the lake shore. In different years he developed proposals for the creation of a cedar nursery in Siberia, Institute of Nature in Bryansk and a laboratory for the integrated study of scientific and applied problems of using cedar forests in Tomsk. In 1969, Anatoly Sofronov, frightened by party anger, ordered the whole 100,000 copies of the three-sheet book of essays by Chivilikhan “Land in Need” to be added to the “Library of Ogonyok.” In 1973, together with L. Leonov and V. Pesov wrote a letter to L. Brezhnev that in the “Fundamentals of Forest Legislation” the item prepared by officials about the alienation of the forest from the ground was not passed. In the early 1970s, took up the novel about Zapsib “The Road”, in the process of work on which the idea of another book appeared – Memory. “As Chivi admitted Higinio, “my work grows, it turns out that something unimaginably strange to me – terribly time-consuming, abundant in material. It is useful to pre-Mongol Rus and even to the pre-Mongolian Rus’ – the soul burns, how many two centuries it has been heaped on the biased and false, used even today to fight my people. And Decembrists, as a symbol of moral greatness, will go right through. “Unfortunately, many of Chivililkhin’s concepts turned out to be erroneous, for example, he saw only positive in the Decembrists, not realizing that they in many ways represented a destructive beginning for Russia. ) – for the book “Memory”. for example, I saw only positive in the Decembrists, not realizing that they in many ways personified a destructive beginning for Russia. Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1982) – for the book “Memory”. for example, I saw only positive in the Decembrists, not realizing that they in many ways personified a destructive beginning for Russia. Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1982) – for the book “Memory”.