Turgenev composition

Turgenev is one of my favorite writers. Reading his works, we see not only characters, but also in something of the author himself. And immediately remember the words of the heroine of the island (though she did not speak of Turgenev, but): “Every word that I say and hear, I feel” This is Ivan Sergeyevich lives the life of his heroes, it is he who experiences the destiny of each of them. “I was born and grew up,” the writer said, “in an atmosphere where the backs, clappers, slaps reigned In the face of serfdom, already at that time I lived in me.”

Maybe this memory created so much work, the heroes of which were ordinary people, peasants, and their life interesting and kind.

Turgenev is a man with a deep heart who needed and strove for love. A piece of this feeling, which IS experienced to Pauline Viardot. passed and Bazarov, who is one of the main characters presented to us for the analysis of the episode.

The passage is smoothly connected with the general course of the narrative. In it, we witness a frank, direct dialogue of two young people, which helps us to look into the depths of their souls, understand them, and draw them from the image.

In this we serve the unique language of beauty Turgenev. Even In this episode we are convinced that the author lived inextricably with nature, he subtly and very brightly weaves the landscape into the narrative.

Speech of Bazarov includes colloquial words, such as: wagging, napichkan, gossip, etc., which complements the “democratic, free from prejudice image of Bazarov.” The writer also puts into the mouth of the hero various scientific terms, for example, “palliative means,” so to emphasize his mind and education.

And Bazarov calls his head “atom, mathematical point” Peru Turgenev also belong to many interesting definitions and concepts. Let us recall, at least, the thought from the episode about the “opposite common place.” From all this we can conclude that IS loved the language he was writing, as evidenced by his appeal to writers: “Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language, this treasure, this is an asset. Deal respectfully with this tool; in the hands of the able, it is able to perform miracles. “But let’s move closer to the episode itself, he proves to us that there is something deeply human in the Bazaar.” Eugene Vas. Laughs at Kirsanov’s kindred feeling, but himself

He’s a history of his family, his ancestors (about his grandfather). But then he contradicts himself, and then interrupting his father’s story, showing disrespect for his

Memories that are so dear to him.

The episode also emphasizes the youth of Arkady and the spiritual maturity of Bazarov. Even take their relationship to love. Eugene interrupts the conversation on this subject with Kirsanov, which gives us to understand that his love is not the sweet romance of Arkady, but a passionate and complex feeling that has flared up in a strong and rich nature. The feeling that opened in

“nihilist” vigorous, human qualities. Kirsanov is more down to earth than Bazarov, his wave house of peasants and the notion of justice. It does not have that duality, discord in itself, which leads Eugene to think about the insignificance of his life. “Of the time,

Which manages to live, is so insignificant before eternity, where I was not and never will be. “

Another difference, shown in the episode, is Bazarov’s denial of nature, art, and yet Arkady’s good attitude toward them. In one thing, he is right: Eugene can not judge what he does not understand, he does not know. And he, I think, did not read properly Pushkin and did not delve into nature for her beauty, and not because of frogs.

Speaking of the author’s attitude towards his heroes, it should be noted that the episode itself does not give an exact answer to this question. But I think Turgenev sympathized with Bazarov, because he is the author’s main invention. And even IS wrote to Herzen that “when composing Bazarov not only did not get angry with him, but he felt for him” the attraction, the genus of the ailment. “

This “attraction” is transmitted to us, the readers. Against the backdrop of Eugene Arkady looks weaker, in my opinion, but Turgenev ascribes this to his youth and gives Kirsanov the fate of a nobleman-landowner, although, in my opinion, he quite successfully plays the role of a positive hero (for the whole novel, A. Did nothing wrong), to the same in this young romance there are very nice qualities.

By the way, about the roles, I think that it is very difficult to transfer the image of these characters to the screen. Therefore, we must pay tribute to those who risked playing Bazarov and Arkady in the cinema and the theater. As for me, I admire the work of Turgenev, the novel “Fathers and Children” in particular. I like Bazarov, Kirsanov and even Pavel Petrovich for the fact that each of them has a part of their creator, who rightly belongs to the list of the best Russian writers.



