Life is boring without a moral purpose

Roman Goncharov “Oblomov” is a notable in Russian and world literature milestone on the way to solving the problems of humanity’s social and moral content. Already on the first page of the novel, the author considered it necessary to draw the reader’s attention to the main feature of his character: “The soul was openly and clearly shining in the eyes, in a smile, in every movement of the head and hands.” Here with what charming Oblomov author invites us to share experiences and thoughts about the world in the framework of a rather voluminous novel. And really – this is spiritually rich nature. Intelligent, although “more than any intelligence honest, loyal heart!”

Many of the heroes of the novel Oblomov admired his nobility. But it seems to me that the tragic sound of the novel is that, having awakened so many people to the consciousness of spiritual beauty, the hero himself is crushed by the Russian Oblomovism. Actually, “quietly and gradually fell into the coffin of the rest of its existence, made with its own hands, like the desert elders, who, turning their backs on life, dig their own graves.” At the beginning of the novel, with the naive confidence in his right, determined by the class affiliation to the nobility and the social status of the “master,” the owner of three hundred serfs, Oblomov allows himself to claim that “he was brought up tenderly, neither cold nor hunger, he did not know, bread itself did not earn and in general did not deal in black. ” The author clearly sneers at the nobility. In fact it is known, that by the phrase “black work” was meant labor. By the way, it should be noted that this is by no means the individual opinion of the hero, but the experience of many noble generations who, as said in “Oblomov’s Dream”, “took work as punishment imposed on our fathers, but could not love, and where there was a case, always got rid of him, finding it possible, and due. ” So it is said about the direct ancestors of Oblomov, hereditary but impoverished noblemen. Actually, the hero of the novel is already doomed.

Goncharov himself claimed that it was this motive that “is the mainstream in the novel.” In the first part of the novel the author, describing the painful attempts of the hero to comprehend his life, writes: “Someone,” he thinks, “that he stole and buried in his own soul the treasures brought to him by peace and life.” Something prevented him from rushing some secret enemy put a heavy hand on him at the beginning of the road and far away from direct human purpose… “From this it is clear that the hero guessed, senses the existence of public evil, but it can not yet be determined. At the end of his path, Oblomov asked the elect: “What ruined you? There is no name for this evil…” – replies: “There is Oblomovism!” So the hero himself determined the exceptional topicality and importance of this moral problem. Putting the recognition in the mouth of the hero, Goncharov was not mistaken. He groped for one of the most painful points of modern society – Oblomovism. In those same years authoritative representatives of Russian literary criticism appreciated Goncharov’s novel as a work that will have a long life. Today’s attention to the novel, interest in theater and cinema, the inclusion of the novel in the sphere of disputes about the recent history and problems of the future is a direct confirmation of the prophetic foresight of those years far from us. Interest in this work will not weaken until a person strives for moral perfection. which will have a long life. Today’s attention to the novel, interest in theater and cinema, the inclusion of the novel in the sphere of disputes about the recent history and problems of the future is a direct confirmation of the prophetic foresight of those years far from us. Interest in this work will not weaken until a person strives for moral perfection. which will have a long life. Today’s attention to the novel, interest in theater and cinema, the inclusion of the novel in the sphere of disputes about the recent history and problems of the future is a direct confirmation of the prophetic foresight of those years far from us. Interest in this work will not weaken until a person strives for moral perfection.



