Composition on the theme of the Patriotic War

Everyone who lives in Russia must know his history, so as not to repeat past mistakes and know the structure of society. War, how much is invested in the meaning of this word. Grief, grief, loss, cohesion were experienced by our grandfathers, PRADES who participated in the Great Patriotic War.

This event entered the history of Russia as the most tragic and at the same time the most heroic, because it changed the outcome of the war. How hard it is to talk about this, listen to veterans, when they tell us what they have experienced in these 4 years. There was a terrible famine, all the food was sent to the front, and the peaceful population was sitting on one potato. Every day people, both military and civilians, died. The Fascists did not spare anyone, thanks to their strategy of blitzkrieg, prepared an aggressive plan called “Directive 21.” Barbarossa. “The main goal was to destroy the Soviet Union, take possession of all the riches of the country and exterminate the entire population. But our people simply do not give up and fought to the end, which the Germans did not expect. Made despite all the difficulty to defend and win this complex, bloody war. She taught many generations to cherish peacetime and enjoy every minute. This confirms that the Soviet people were very manly, possessing a strong character and never breaking them.

Everyone needs to realize: the conflict can be solved peacefully without using weapons. You just need to have patience, with it you can solve any problem without a fight. But no matter how it sounded sad, evil will always exist, that is why in our seemingly peaceful time there are wars. The worst thing is that the invisible enemy leads the war and this is very scary. I hope people will become kinder and do not make past mistakes. We remember everyone and appreciate this great victory.

Composition The Great Patriotic War

The Great Patriotic War is a sacred war, since all the people rose to defend their Motherland. People did not go abroad to other countries. They rallied and began to smash the enemy. The fascists were attacked treacherously, at the dawn of a summer morning, without declaring war. They expected a quick victory. After all, other countries in Europe did not resist them. And they marched through them in the front march. They hated everything Russian and Soviet. They mocked civilians, killed them, stole them in slavery, plundered, humiliated. And what did they want in return? Love and respect? And they received such a powerful rebuff that they barely carried off their feet.

The Fascists expected to finish the war by winter, and therefore did not even have warm clothes. But “General Frost” hit so hard that they ran off ragged and wrapped up in some kind of rags. And in the back they were driven by the partisans. Fascists were afraid to stick their noses into the forests, which were completely under the control of the partisans. They waged a “rail war” – they blasted bridges and railways, derailed trains with military equipment and soldiers.

Even children, to the best of their ability, helped parts of the regular Soviet army and partisans. They became the sons of regiments and formations, the young men on warships. The smallest “son of the regiment” was six years old.

At first the Soviet military retreated to the east and surrendered the cities. But they did not surrender the capital of Moscow to the fascists, although they stood several kilometers from the city. Even an annual parade of troops was held in Red Square in honor of the Great October Revolution. Straight from the parade troops were sent to the front. When in the rear, in Siberia and the Urals, many tanks, guns and airplanes were built, that there were more of them than the fascists, the Red Army began to advance and to win back the Russian cities. Fascists fiercely resisted. People’s anger, like a compressed spring, was straightened and struck at the enemy and drove him to Berlin.

We remember the words of Alexander Nevsky: “Whoever comes to us with the sword will come, he will perish and die.” In Berlin, Treptow Park is a monument to a Soviet soldier who in one hand is holding a rescued German girl, and in the other is clutching a sword that kills a fascist snake. So, before you go to war with us, think carefully. Is there anyone who wants to test the words of Alexander Nevsky?

Composition reasoning The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945

The first blow and the first victory over the fascists on the lands of Belarus.

Veiled by an easy victory in the West and Poland, German fascism was intensively preparing to attack the USSR. This is confirmed by many documents

Fascism spent several days capturing Holland. Poland was conquered in just 20 days, This allowed Hitler to rise. This gave birth to the belief that it is just as easy to cope with the USSR. He believed that for this he would need only a few months and a great country before him would appear on his knees.

Focusing on the attack, millions of soldiers, tens of thousands of guns, as many tanks, aviation at exactly 4 am on June 22, 1941, thousands of bombs, shells and mines fell on airfields, ammunition depots, and fuel. Perhaps that’s why most of the servicemen were not ready in the first hours of the war and as a result of the massive bombing they were left without fuel, ammunition and without motor transport. Only in the first half of the day the military district in the West of the country lost more than seven hundred aircraft.

Fascists were torn towards Belarus, or rather to Minsk from two sides. That is, from the Suwalki district and from the Stolbtsy side.

The main part of the Hitlerite army moved towards the east. A real cauldron was formed near Minsk. Tens of thousands of soldiers died in the battles for the city. The Belarusian sky was filled with enemy planes instead of clouds.
A fierce battle lasted almost a day, in which the whole panzer division of the Germans was destroyed. Because of this, she could not move on. The battle continued the next day. The earth was buried in blood.
Scouts took up the case. Thanks to them, it was possible to identify a huge convoy of Germans who, having turned into a forest, moved the village of Shelukhi towards Minsk.

To stop the enemy, the scouts, taking advantage of the situation when the enemy from the tired German soldiers made a halt to rest, attacked the enemy at the most unexpected moment for him. The battle was short, every scout, fought with all his might. As a result of a courageous and courageous act, a large part of the enemy was destroyed. And in the country the mobilization began. The population joined the ranks of the army from all corners. Everyone who could hold a weapon was in the detachments. On the first day of the war more than 10,000 volunteers were sent to the military units.

The fights near Minsk, although fleeting, were of great importance at the beginning of the war. This provided an opportunity to gain time and prepare for the defense of the Former Soviet Union.
Hearty thanks to all those who saved thousands and even millions of those who lived to the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 at the cost of their own lives.



