In modern conditions, when there are profound changes in the life of society, patriotic upbringing becomes one of the central directions of work with the younger generation. Now, in the period of instability in society, there is a need to return to the best traditions of our people, to its age-old roots, to such eternal concepts as gender, kinship, Motherland.
To be a patriot means to feel yourself an integral part of the Fatherland. This complex feeling arises even in the pre-school childhood, when the foundations of the value attitude to the surrounding world are laid, and is formed in the child gradually, in the course of education of love for one’s neighbors, to the kindergarten, to native places, to the native country. Preschool age as a period of the formation of personality has its potential for the formation of higher moral feelings, to which the feeling of patriotism applies.
In recent years, attention to the spiritual wealth of the cultural heritage of the people has increased. This should be seen as the desire of peoples for national revival. There is not a single nation that does not seek to preserve its national identity, manifested in its native language, folklore, traditions, art. Today, the leading principle of education should be considered education, carried out on the roots of the national tradition. The education of an integral personality requires the use of interrelated means and various forms of influence.
In the traditional culture of any people, all components are in a syncretic form, however, the most accessible to children in terms of content, form of embodiment, emotional saturation should be highlighted. folk games, festivals, arts and crafts, traditions and customs.
A great interest in children at all times is the doll. The doll is the first among toys. It has been known since ancient times, remaining forever young. Time does not affect it, it still finds its way to the hearts of children and adults. The doll is not born by itself. it creates a person. It gains life through the imagination and will of its creator.
Being a part of the culture of all mankind, the doll retains in its image the identity and characteristic features of the nation that creates it. This is the main value of the traditional folk doll.
First of all, the doll is the image of a person. It is the recognizability of human traits that characterizes Russian traditional dolls. Traditionally, there were folk dolls of three kinds. guard, ritual and play.
In Russian culture, the sacred and gambling trends coexist. A distinctive feature of the guard and ritual is the absence of a face and the manufacture without needles. When making a game doll, the face image was allowed, and the use of the needle was a prerequisite. Doll. sewn with their own hands, was a kind of exam for girls, a confirmation of their skill, skillful possession of the needle, the ability to sew and embroider.
The basis of patriotic education is moral, aesthetic, labor, mental education. In the process of such diverse education, the first sprouts of civil-patriotic feelings are born. A reference point in the patriotic education of children in childhood becomes. children ‘s game, project – search activity of adults with children, artistic and literary creativity, communication, creative – productive activity, means of aesthetic education.
You can implement this goal through the following tasks:
To bring up in children:
– the desire to learn cultural traditions through creative, cognitive – research activities;
– the desire to feel and realize yourself as part of a larger ethnos, to express your own subculture;
– to cultivate a respectful attitude to the heritage of his people.
– educate patriotism, respect for the cultural past of Russia.
To form in children:
– a sense of love for their native land, their small homeland on the basis of familiarizing themselves with their native nature, culture and traditions;
– the idea of Russia as a native country;
– the ability to analyze various social phenomena and events, compare them, generalize;
– to stimulate children’s activity through popular outdoor games.
Develop in children:
– cognitive processes (perception, memory, attention, imagination, thinking) and mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization) through special games and exercises;
Solving problems, allowed to predict the next result of education. this pupil is capable of:
• feel their emotional state and emotional state of other people;
• show interest in the past, present and future of their homeland;
• able to solve intellectual problems (tasks adequate to age – intellectually developed;
• show interest in everything new and incomprehensible, unexplored – inquisitive;
• imagine, invent; capable of finding different ways to solve the same problem – creative;
• to show activity and independence in making decisions, in committing acts, in activities – initiative;
• To perceive the beauty of the surrounding world (people, nature, art – feeling beautiful, emotionally responsive;
• Understand the value of life; caring and attention to the world around him.
Thus, in the pedagogical aspect, under patriotic education I mean the process of the formation of a conscious person who loves his homeland, the land where he was born and grew up, proud of the historical accomplishments of his people, his culture, traditions and customs.