It’s not a secret for anyone that each person is unique in his own way. But one thing unites all people: we all have our own opinion, a unique character and a set of qualities that shape our personality from an early age. In man, both the dark and the bright sides of his personality are elegantly considered. But also there are such characteristics of character that we will hardly distinguish, because they are very similar to each other, or one follows from the other. An example of this phenomenon is pride and pride. These two concepts are an integral part of our lives, but only with one difference. Pride is good, and pride is bad. And therefore, it is very important to find that line between black and white, between good and bad. For a proud person can easily become an arrogant and arrogant person.
But to begin with, it is worthwhile to understand in more detail what exactly these two seemingly first-class concepts are, and so different in content.
Pride – this is one of the human qualities, which means an adequate assessment of one’s own dignity. People observe the moral framework, the rules of etiquette and thus they retain their pride in the face of others. In a person from childhood, parents instill love for the Motherland, pride in their country or state. Pride – this is the rules of behavior, impregnated with moral frameworks and concepts.
Pride, in turn, is a negative quality. This is vanity, arrogance, arrogance, excessive ambitiousness and pedantic attitude towards people. All these qualities are pride. But the most paradoxical thing is that bad is part of good. Namely pride is a kind of concentrate of pride. A man suffering from an overestimated self-esteem, self-esteeming himself, exterminating someone else’s dignity by exaggerating his own importance, a victim of pride that fell like snow on his head.
Therefore it is very important to remain a proud person, but at the same time to be humane to human vices and shortcomings so as not to develop a disease called pride.
What is pride in composition