The influence of nature on man’s work

Every morning, waking up, I go to the window and look through it. I see poplars, a neighbor feeding pigeons, people hurrying about their business, white swirling clouds. Looking at this familiar picture, with

Composition “My tongue is my friend”

Each nation has its own unique language. And each of them is good and beautiful in its own way. With the help of the language, people can communicate among themselves, transmit information and cultural

The future world of composition

I believe that there is no such person who would never have thought about what our life will be like in the future. The future is something that excites everyone, we think about our

How I see the future

School essay on the example of science fiction literature of the Strugatsky brothers. Every individual in his existence repeatedly dreams of the future. In the writings of many thinkers of antiquity, we will be

From the window of my apartment

I always rejoiced that the windows of my apartment do not go out to a noisy avenue or road, but to country gardens, beyond which a forest is visible. That’s why I did not

What is a person?

What is man? In the article we will talk about what a person is from the point of view of various sciences: psychology, philosophy, biology. And let’s start with a philosophical approach. What is

Composition on the topic of self-sacrifice

The problem of self-sacrifice, heroism during the war. The Russian Soviet writer – Vladimir Maksimovich Bogomolov in his text discusses the problem of self-sacrifice, heroism during the war. The text refers to the history

Writing is in a hurry to do good

Every person in his life faces kindness towards himself or others. Kindness is what makes our society more humane and compassionate in the effort to give joy to surrounding people, to show sincere feelings.

Composition “Morning in the Forest”

The summer sun rises early, slowly rising because of the sleeping forest. The red-orange ball casts splashes of thin, sunny rays in the sky with bright colors. The tops of the trees start to

“Man is created for happiness, like a bird for flight”

Born in torment, his first cry brings happiness to this world: Mom and Dad are happy, those who have become grandparents are happy, the doctor and midwife is happy. Man was born! The life
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