What should be the participant of the hike?

Participant of any, even the smallest and simple, campaign should have a number of necessary qualities, and also fulfill implicitly some mandatory requirements. What are the requirements and qualities? Those that will help enjoy your participation in the campaign, but do not remember it with shudder and pain!

The participant of the campaign should, first of all, remember the main thing: a campaign is not a time for democracy and anarchy. In a hike, as in the army or on the ship, always one-man management – the participants of the hike, tourists, must obey the reasonable requirements of the head of the campaign, the orders that pertain to the conduct of the trip itself and proper rest on the halts. For example, if you do not obey the order of the leader to cross the river for a wading in a certain place, you can end up in ice water, get injured or even drown. If the participants do not extinguish the bonfire correctly, according to all the canons, as the head of the hike requires, they can involuntarily set fire to the forest, which will lead to great trouble – huge material damage, the death of many hectares of the forest, and maybe lead to the death of people.

In addition, anyone who goes on an organized trip, you need to develop a quality in itself, such as patience – and to people who come across very different, and to physical deprivations that are not at all rare in a long campaign.

Collection, attention, readiness for surprises are also important qualities that every participant of the campaign should have. After all, how spoils our mood and how much the trauma of one of the participants, caused by inattention and negligence, brings problems!

The ability to properly provide first aid is also a very valuable quality of the participant of any campaign.

But the most important thing in the campaign is a love of nature! A person who treats her carefully takes a real charge of cheerfulness from the campaign, because he knows that he did not harm her with his visit.

What should be the participant of the hike?