What is good breeding?
Education of a person is a very valuable feature, which you should pay attention to and develop in yourself.
What is good breeding? This is tactful – the ability to perceive other people positively, to be polite to them. Also, good breeding concerns the ability to cherish the feelings of others in difficult situations – that is, criticize less, touch less painful memories of other people, less pressure and teach.
A well-educated person can behave well in difficult situations, because he is always discreet. I consider my grandmother Paradise to be a well-bred person. She is always calm and kind. In order not to happen, the grandmother perceives everything easily, positively and with humor. When we accidentally burned a blanket in the hallway with my cousin, she did not scold us. I just said that we should be careful. After all, we could hurt ourselves, make a fire and give her a lot of trouble.
The education of a person also presupposes good-will, the ability to apologize, express his condolences or his regret over some sad situations. The educated person knows soft, tactful, polite words. He restrains the words rude, hamovatye and abusive. Even if you get into an embarrassing situation, you should always keep yourself in hand and your restraint will help you.
A very intelligent and well-bred person from the characters of Russian literature can be called a girl Anna Karenina, created in her imagination by the writer Leo Tolstoy. The story about her is called – “Anna Karenina.” The main character Anna is a man with a capital letter. It is spiritually developed, seeks education, reaches out to culture, knows how to behave in society, which, unfortunately, can not be said about many other characters. Even the elders from her. That is, education is not always acquired by a person with age. It should be protected from the youth, as wise people say.
Education of a person is an indicator of respect for oneself and others, an indicator of self-esteem. The education of a person gives him self-confidence and helps to achieve success in life.