What is a myth

In the folklore of all the peoples of the world there are myths. The roots of the word “myth” stretch from ancient Greece – it means “legend, legend.” Myths are the cradle of humanity. They arose in the extreme antiquity, when people were not yet able to scientifically explain the phenomena of nature, the structure of the world and the origin of mankind.

The behavior and consciousness of our distant ancestors were guided in greater instances by feelings than by reason. In those distant times people explained in their own way the processes that took place in the world around them and simple ordinary events of human life. Helpless before nature, they believed that everything happens in the world and in human life according to the will of immortal beings – the gods. The activities of the gods were composed of whole legends and descriptions, which later became known as myths.

Myth is a poetic picture of the world invented by our distant ancestors, in which their view of the surrounding life is reflected. With the help of myths, people in ancient times explained not understandable for him the events and phenomena of nature, the meaning of life, and the rules of human behavior in their own, accessible and understandable ways.

Many outstanding writers, composers, and artists turned to myths: many pictures were painted on mythological subjects, great musical works were created, and mythological images of that time can also be found in modern poetry. The names of the mythological heroes are the planets of the solar system (Mars, Venus, Jupiter, etc.), the constellations – the Andromeda Nebula, the constellation Perseus, and others.



