What are ritual songs?

Folklore has always been an integral part of the life of any people. It expressed his moods, attitudes towards life and the surrounding reality. The peculiarity of Russian folklore was its special content and tonality. This melody was expressed in songs that were dedicated to various holidays in the life of a Russian person. Such works became the basis for showing historical events, national traditions and expressing the self-consciousness of the people themselves.

Songs accompanied a person throughout life, so that you can trace them as a person lived in antiquity, which was the subject and object of his attention. However, all this did not fit into the dry lines of the annals, but into the melodious and beautiful notes of the song. Among such poetic folk creations one can call ritual songs.

Ritual songs are songs that were performed during various rituals. They were an integral part of any ritual action. In this case, the songs had a special magical meaning. In ancient times, people believed that if the rite was not carried out according to all the rules and the corresponding songs were not performed, nothing would come true or be fulfilled.

Ritual songs are sometimes called calendar-ritual. This clarification indicates that these works of folk art were associated with the national agricultural calendar. That is, there was a distribution of the song heritage on various holidays, which people celebrated in different seasons. So, to the calendar-ritual songs can be attributed carols, Maslenitsa, spring (springy), summer and autumn songs. Here it is immediately evident that the division is going on both on national holidays and on the seasons.



