What are interrogative proposals?

A sentence expressing the question (compare other types of sentences for the purpose of the utterance: a narrative sentence, an incentive sentence). Distinguish:

A) actually-interrogative sentence. to which a response is actually expected. Do you live far from here? (Turgenev);

B) interrogative and affirmative sentence. containing a question to the interlocutor, from which the confirmation of what was said in the proposal is expected. But you have a cap on your head? (Bitter). Do not you understand that he himself is guilty? (Bitter);

B) interrogative-negative sentence. in which the negation is expressed as a question. Is it possible not to love you? (Turgenev);

D) interrogative and incentive proposal. in which the question expresses the motivation for action. Why do not you ask me? (A. Ostrovsky);

E) interrogative rhetorical sentence. containing an assertion or a negation in the form of a question to which no response is expected. Who does not act novelty? (Chekhov). By the presence of interrogative pronouns or adverbs in the sentence, the interrogative sentences are pronominal and non-nominal. Who at the stars and the moon so late on horseback? (Pushkin). Is it a break? (Serafimovich).

Grammatical tools for preparing interrogative sentences:

1) interrogative intonation (raising the tone of the word with which the meaning of the question is related). Are you not ill? (Gogol) (the word is allocated are sick);

2) wordposition (usually the word with which the question is connected is sent to the beginning of the sentence). Do you understand my own horror? (Gorky) (the word is highlighted);

3) interrogative words (interrogative pronouns, adverbs, particles). Which of the books do you like best? (M. Ostrovsky). Why can not I go? (L. Tolstoy). Was that a greeting, was it a reproach? (Turgenev). Did the swords really come off? (Yesenin). And is there no other position for you? (Laptev).

Dictionary-reference of linguistic terms. Ed. The 2 nd. – M. Enlightenment. Rosenthal D. E. Telenkova MA 1976.

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