What are compound words

Complex words in Russian for an ordinary person, and especially for a speaker, are a special subject. Their appearance in the text causes some tension, uncertainty. That in the end can lead to a “knocking down” of the rhythm and to “stumbling” in speech, and in special cases to stuttering. To prevent this from happening, you should systematically, regularly, clearly pronounce and train complex words. After a few lessons you can feel how difficult words turn into the most common ones. Below you will find a list of some difficult words that can be difficult for you.

Recently, the Russian language is rapidly replenished with new words. Most of them are complex words. They are so called not only because people have difficulties in writing them. But also because they consist of several roots. Complex words are very convenient in the language. Because it allows more clearly and concisely to name the object or phenomenon. For example: “railway”, “agricultural”. But why are such words very difficult in spelling?

Often, complex words of the Russian language are formed by combining two words in a phrase. People have difficulty in not being able to distinguish the word combination and the compound word formed from it. For example: “little meaning” and “insignificant”.

To distinguish them follows not only in meaning, but also in intonation: for a compound word, the stress on the first word is absent. In addition, words in the phrase can be swapped and moved to another place in the sentence. In this case, to understand that before you the phrase, you can find a dependent word, putting the question to the word. If complex words are formed from two nouns, then the resulting word should be written through a hyphen. For example: “dress-suit”, “booster rocket” and others.

Most often, compound words are formed by adding complete or truncated bases. Usually they are written together: “kindergarten”, “water”.

One of the most difficult words are adjectives, which are formed by addition. They can be written both together and through a hyphen:

1. With the help of such a sign adjectives are written that denote the color: “emerald green”.

2. Words formed from nouns that are written through a hyphen: “northeast”.

3. Parts of the word, not related to each other: “scientific and technical.”

But these rules are not applicable to all words. Many complex words are complex and spelling. Because it is difficult to understand, separately write them, together or through a hyphen.

Why is this so? The basic rules of spelling were built in the middle of the 20th century. But after that in the Russian language formed a fair number of new words. There was a new explanation for writing a hyphen in these complex words. The scientists noticed that if the first part of the word has a suffix, then a hyphen is put after it. For example: “meadow-steppe”, “fruit-berry”.

Complex words are also the longest in Russian. They can contain more than 20-30 letters, unlike ordinary words that contain no more than 10. In most cases, the longest words are different terms and special concepts. For example: “integral-differential”.

Especially a lot of very long words in chemistry: “Trigydradmethylchloride acid.” But among the common ones there are such long ones: “private economy”, “humanoid”. These words are difficult not only in spelling, but also in pronunciation. Since not everyone from the first time can pronounce them without hesitation.

It happens that complex words that are formed by combining several bases are reduced. They are called complicated. Usually they are written in capital letters. For example: “UN”, “KVN”, “OPEC”.



