We are in answer with you for the vastness of the whole Earth

Waking up in a modern crowded city, a person does not hear the bird’s twitter, the rustle of green foliage outside the window, the rustling of raindrops on the roof. All he can see is sunlight in clear weather, which imperiously pierces the dense curtains and penetrates into the stuffy room. And because the urban man, getting into the unusual atmosphere of the measured life of the Russian village, feels like it’s not at ease – the absence of fuss, the continuous monotonous buzz of various modes of transport, which periodically bursts into the shrill howling of the sirens of special vehicles.

On the other hand, the one who was born, grew up and stayed forever in the village, gets used to the fact that it is surrounded by nature. He becomes so accustomed to this that he ceases to pay attention to how the stream murmurs, how the cranes fly, how the buds open in the trees, how the swallows build their nests, how the woodpecker knocks his small beak on the tree, how the fish in the lake splashes. But in fact, once we all – both the townspeople and the village ones – were unreasonable children of Mother Nature.

Nature has always been an integral part of creativity of writers and poets, artists and composers, served as their source of inspiration. N. Gogol and I. Turgenev, L. Tolstoy, or F. Dostoevsky wrote in detail natural landscapes in their works. They felt an invisible, strong connection between nature and the inner world of man. For every great creator, nature takes a direct part in the action, plays an indispensable role in plotting, is inseparable from the character of the main characters. In a boyish way, Arkady, joyfully and joyfully, rejoices in the spring clear sky, traveling with his father on his estate; spreading his hands, lies seriously wounded Andrei Bolkonsky under the sky overturned by eternity Austerlitz; Rodion Raskolnikov suffocates under the oppressive, stuffy, yellow, dusty sky of Petersburg.

Since childhood, enter into our lives and bewitched with pure feelings, clear and beautiful images of poetry F. Tyutchev:

I love the storm in early May,
When the spring, the first thunder,
As if frolicking and playing,
Rumbles in the sky in blue…

The poet seeks to understand and capture the secret “soul” of nature, its hidden life and mighty power in all its manifestations. With amazing love and tenderness Tyutchev creates unforgettable poetic pictures of autumn, spring thunderstorm, summer evening, morning in the mountains, sorceress-winter. The poet animates and spiritualizes the nature, full of deep meaning, in which everything spoke to him “in a language understandable to the heart”:

Not that you think, nature:
Not a mold, not a soulless face –
There is a soul in it, there is freedom in it,
There is love in it, it has a language…

It was necessary to have an amazing observation and poetic talent to find such artistic images and comparisons as Tyutchev finds in his poems, through the description of nature conveying the human mood and dissolving in it without a trace:

Shadows of gray blend,
Color faded, sound fell asleep –
Life, movement resolved
In the twilight unsteady, into a distant rumble…
Moth flew invisible
Heard in the night air…
Hour of longing unspeakable! ..
Everything in me, and I in everything!. .

The person who wrote these poems could only be reverent towards nature. I think that those who were brought up on them, perceived nature with the same reverence and respect.

But in the XX century, the harmony of the “blossoming world of nature” was violated because of the unreasonable and thoughtless activity of man. And now the admiration and admiration of nature are replaced by the consumer attitude towards it. And the results were not slow to tell: entire species of animals have disappeared and disappear, plants are dying out, rivers are drying up. The crown of the creation of nature – man – has turned into the worst enemy of his mother. Without thinking about the consequences, he bears pain and suffering to the silent inhabitants of the planet, who belongs not only to him.

“The successes of science should not outpace the improvement of mores,” warned French writer Jules Verne at the end of the 19th century. In the 20th century, the Russian poet E. Evtushenko spoke in a more categorical form: “Progress is reactionary if a person collapses…”.

At the present time we have learned to come up with beautiful slogans that, while preserving the Earth, we preserve above all ourselves. But we have not yet learned how to promote our own planet in its normal life. We have entered the XXI century and should remember that clean rivers and lakes, wild forests, unswaved steppes, animals and birds are getting smaller every year, that by transforming nature, one must think about every blade of grass, every bug, a river and a stork, a flower and a bee. Only then will nature endow us with its beauty and wealth, and in man the true man will be preserved.



