War of the people

In the work of Alexander Tvardovsky, the theme of the war is very vividly represented. Especially in his poem “Vasily Terkin” A. Solzhenitsyn wrote about him: “But from wartime I noted” Vasily Terkin “as an amazing success.” Tvardovsky managed to write a thing timeless, courageous and unpolluted. ” They say that they have already erected a monument to the fighter Vasily Terkin.

A monument to a literary hero is a rare thing, but in our country especially. But it seems to me that the hero of Tvardovsky deserved this honor by right. After all, together with him, millions of people who somehow resemble Vasily, who loved their country and did not spare their blood, who found themselves out of a predicament, and knew how to brighten up front problems, who loved to play or listen to music at halt, also get a monument to him. Many of them did not even find their grave. Let the monument to Vasily Terkin be a tombstone. In the library, where I came to take the poem, I got a very interesting publication: along with the text there were letters from the readers of “Vasily Terkin” from 1942 to 1970 and an answer to the readers “How Vasily Terkin was written.”

Looking through these various letters from readers, I became convinced that Tvardovsky’s poem was really a folk, more faithful, soldier’s poem. According to the memoirs of Solzhenitsyn, the soldiers of his battery from many books preferred most of all “Vasily Terkin” and “War and Peace” of Leo Tolstoy. Personally, I like most of all the language of Alexander Trifonovich in the work – so light, imaginative, popular. His poems are memorized themselves. The unaccustomed nature of the book is that it seems to be without beginning and end. As if you again met with an old friend, whom you do not need to imagine. And then I broke up with him. Well, this life. And what the author suggests: In a word, a book from the middle And we’ll start. And there will go. This, I believe, makes the hero both closer and clearer. If they asked me why Vasily Terkin had become one of my favorite literary heroes,

Lives and enjoys life. It seems to me that today this quality is lacking for many people. And maybe sometimes I myself. Terkin can not help but rejoice in his love of life. Terkin is the soul of a soldier’s company. It’s not for nothing that comrades like to listen to his joking, very serious stories. Here they are in the swamps, where the infantry, which “peremokla”, even dreams about “even death, and on dry”. A rain is falling, an evil cough is tearing at the chest. And you can not even light a cigarette: soaked matches. Soldiers all cursed, and it seems to them that “there is no worse trouble”. But Terkin smiles and begins a long argument.

He says that while the soldier feels the elbow of a friend, he is strong. Behind him is a battalion, regiment, division. And even the front. And what’s there. All Russia! Last year, when the German was eager for Moscow and sang: “My Moscow”, then it was possible to lament. And now the German is not the same, “this song last year’s German now does not sing.” And we think about ourselves, because as last year, when it was very difficult, because Vasily found words that helped his comrades. This already had a talent for him. But most of all I like the section “Death and the Warrior”, where our hero is lying and freezes.

And it seems to him that death came to him. And it became hard for him to argue with her, as he swam in blood and wanted peace. And what already seemed to hold on to this life, where all the joy, then freeze, then dig trenches, then be afraid that they will kill you?. But not such a Basil, to easily surrender to “Scythe.” I will cry, I will howl with pain, I will die in the field without a trace, But to your own free will I will not give up, “he whispers. And the warrior wins Death. Now the time has passed for the lubkov heroes of books and films about whose amateurs Tverdovsky wrote with mockery, that these writers are always happy to “conclude”, “that, it is said, grief does not matter.” What success Terkin made with success: Russian spoon wooden, Eight Fritz concluded!!

The writer constantly emphasizes that “a terrible battle is a bloody, mortal battle.” Today we are beginning to learn the truth about the countless losses that our people suffered in the war. Today we begin to learn the shocking truth about the causes, purposes and progress of the war. But among this bitter truth, the simple Russian soldier Vasily Terkin will take his place.



