AS Pushkin – an outstanding poet, writer of the first half of the XIX century. In his poems there is everything that every person should comprehend. The main kind of his work is lyrics, the main themes of which are freedom-loving, the appointment of poet and poetry, love and friendship, the theme of the Motherland, philosophical problems.
Pushkin thought a lot about the fate of his Motherland and the Russian people, and devoted a lot of his beautiful poems to this topic. Already in the Lyceum years, Alexander Sergeevich had freedom-loving views and sentiments close to the Decembrist ones, exclaiming:
“I am a Roman heart
I have freedom in my chest. The spirit of a great people is not slumbering in me.”
After graduating from the Lyceum, Pushkin finds himself in the environment of a revolutionary and freedom-loving people, where he immediately attracts attention as the spokesman of the foremost views of his century, the singer of political freedom. His freedom-loving lyrics very well and fully reflected in the clothes “Liberty”, written soon after leaving the Lyceum. Pushkin believes that the law should rule the Russian people, this is the guarantee of ensuring political freedom in Russia. Alexander Sergeevich expressed the views of the Decembrists, the mastery of the poet gave clothes more revolutionary character. Advanced youth it was perceived as a call for revolution.
Another poem written in Mikhailovsky is “The Village”. It can be divided into two parts. In the first – Pushkin describes the sentimental landscape in Mikhailovskoye.
The poet hides here from the bustle of life: “I’m here, freed from vain shackles, learned to find the bliss of truth.”
In the second part he criticizes serfdom. The poet says that the Russian landowners appropriated to themselves “both labor and property, and the time of the farmer.”
The theme of liberty and struggle against autocracy is also heard in the poem “Towards Chaadayev.” It is written in the form of a friendly message, but it reflects the views and political sentiment that unites Pushkin with his friend Chaadayev. Alexander Sergeevich says that the oppression of the “fateful power” is forcing forward-minded people to feel the “calling of the fatherland” with particular acuity and expecting “a minute of holy liberty” impatiently. The poet calls on his friend to fight for the freedom of the Motherland. He shows here,
Many wonderful poems Pushkin devoted to friendship. Sociable, who knew how to appreciate people, Alexander Sergeevich had many friends. Friendship for him was a force that unites people in a strong alliance for life. The poet acquired friends at the Lyceum, addressed his messages to them, sincerely and thoughtfully responded with poems to the Lyceum anniversaries. After graduating from the Lyceum, the graduates decided to meet annually on October 19, the birthday of the Lyceum. In those years when Pushkin was in exile and could not be with friends, he repeatedly sent them his greetings. In a great message of 1827, Pushkin warmly addresses his friends, remembering the days of life at the Lyceum. He talks about the friendship of the lyceum students, who united them in one family: My friends, our union is beautiful.
In Pushkin’s life there were quite a lot of women, to whom he devoted his poetic masterpieces. “I loved you-“, “On the hills of Georgia.”, “Recognition”, “Madonna”. Under the influence of these poems, a person is born an idea of the ideal of a woman: “the genius of pure beauty.” A masterpiece of love lyrics is a poem “I remember a wonderful moment.” This is one of the most melodic works. The words found by the poet are very simple, but they are filled with deep feelings that make one experience what the poet felt.
And the heart beats in ecstasy,
And for him resurrected again
And the deity, and inspiration,
And life, and tears, and love.
In his work, Pushkin touches on the theme of nature, because it inspired the poet. He gently responds to each leaf, flower. Many poems by Alexander Sergeevich about the beauty of Russian nature, about the seasons. “Autumn” is a very beautiful, colorful image of nature during the autumn. Before us are various pictures of life: the hunting of the landlords, from which the sown fields of peasants, skating, winter holidays and much more suffer. Pushkin describes here and the process of his poetic creativity, speaks of the fate of the advanced poet in the conditions of serfdom in Russia in the 30s of the XIX century. From all seasons the poet preferred the autumn. “Of the annual times, I’m glad only to her.” He paints the autumn landscape with bright colors: “the luxuriant nature of wilting. “,” crimson and in gold-clad forests “.
Pushkin often changed his attitude towards the mission of the poet. He believed that poetry can not and should not serve even the most noble endeavors. Art for some lofty purpose. This theme goes through all the work of Pushkin. In 1826 he created the poem “The Prophet” – his manifesto, where he proclaimed the divine essence of art. But the poem begins not from the very appearance of the “six-winged seraph”, it opens with two lines explaining to whom the seraph appeared: ”
We are suffering with spiritual thirst,
I dragged myself into the desolate wilderness.”
The poet is a prophet, he is chosen to bear the word of truth to people. He knows everything that happens on earth, on the sea and in the heavens: And I heeded the skies,
And the angels of the mountains flew.
The poem “I erected a monument to myself did not work by hand.” Became the poetic testament of the poet, he sums up the result of his work here and considers it his merit that in “a cruel age glorified” freedom, that is, fought against the autocracy and serfdom for the liberation of the people.
In his lyrics Pushkin turned to all sides of life, a sincere, truthful, deep man, he laid the foundations of Russian literature, defining its genre and ideological identity for many years to come, while appearing as a lyrical hero of a person close to the ideal for which the union sounds, feelings and thoughts was the defining feature of his personality.
Union of magic sounds, feelings and doom