Homeland. The fatherland. The land is native. Fatherland. Motherland. Motherland. Mother earth. Native land. All these intimate words by no means exhaust the full range of feelings that we put into this sacred for each person concept. It is difficult to name a writer or a poet who would not dedicate the most sincere, heart-rending lines to the Motherland. This is one of the eternal themes in the domestic and world literature. Huge literary material related to the theme of the Motherland, of course, can not be fully contained in this work, so I will be able to touch on the work of only some writers and poets. It is impossible not to begin with such a great monument of ancient Russian literature as “The Lay of Igor’s Host”. To the Russian land as a whole, all the thoughts, all the feelings of the author of “The Word.” Are turned to the Russian people. He speaks about the vast expanses of his homeland, about its rivers, mountains, steppes, cities, villages. But the Russian land for the author of “The Word.” Is not only Russian nature and Russian cities. This is primarily the Russian people. Talking about Igor’s campaign, the author does not forget about the Russian people. Igor undertook a campaign against the Polovtsi “for the Russian land.” His soldiers are “Rusichi”, Russian sons. Crossing the border of Russia, they say goodbye to their homeland, to the Russian land, and the author exclaims: “O Russian land! You are beyond the hill.” His soldiers are “Rusichi”, Russian sons. Crossing the border of Russia, they say goodbye to their homeland, to the Russian land, and the author exclaims: “O Russian land! You are beyond the hill.” His soldiers are “Rusichi”, Russian sons. Crossing the border of Russia, they say goodbye to their homeland, to the Russian land, and the author exclaims: “O Russian land! You are beyond the hill.”
The idea of patriotism is also characteristic of the poetic creativity of our great compatriot MV Lomonosov. The homeland, its vast expanses, its inexhaustible natural wealth, its strength and power, its future greatness and glory are the main theme of Lomonosov’s. It is refined and supplemented by the theme of the Russian people. Lomonosov glorifies the talent of the great Russian people, the mighty spirit of his troops, the Russian fleet. He expresses his firm belief that the Russian land is capable of giving birth to his own great scientists, his “Russian Columbus”, great cultural figures. With this theme echoes in the odes of Lomonosov and the theme of heroes, great Russian people. He sees such heroes primarily in Ivan IV and Peter I, especially in the latter. In the famous dress “On the day of ascension.” The poet glorifies Peter as the creator of the new Russia. Lomonosov glorifies Peter as a fighter against the backwardness in which Russia was before him, praises for the creation of a powerful army and navy, for the support of science. A deep faith in the Russian people and a firm conviction in his talent are the words of Lomonosov,
that can own Platonov
And quick minds of the Newtons
Russian land to bear.
The theme of the Motherland in Pushkin’s work is closely connected with the problem of people’s freedom. In the poem “The Village”, drawing pictures of his native nature, dear to his heart, the poet angrily writes about the feudalists oppressing the people:
Here the barstvo is wild, without feeling, without the law.
Assigned to himself by violent vine
And labor, and property, and the time of the farmer.
In the friendly message “To Chaadaev” sounds the ardent call of the poet to the Fatherland to dedicate “souls wonderful impulses.”
The continuer of the Pushkin traditions M. Yu. Lermontov loved his Motherland with high love. He loved her people, her nature, wished for happiness to their country. According to Lermontov, to love the Motherland means to fight for its freedom, to hate those who keep their native land in chains of slavery. Love for the Motherland – the theme of Lermontov’s poems such as “Complaints of the Turk,” “Borodino’s Field,” “Borodino,” “Two Giant.” But with special force and fullness this theme is revealed in the poem “Motherland”, created by the poet a few months before his death. Here Lermontov contrasts his patriotism with patriotism official, official. He declares his blood relationship with the Russian, native nature, with the Russian people, with the sorrows and joys of his life. Lermontov calls his love for the Motherland “strange”, because he loves the people of his country, nature, but he hates the “land of gentlemen”, autocratic-feudal, official Russia. This idea of love-hate will be further developed in the works of Gogol and Nekrasov. Heroes “Inspector”, “Dead Souls” are characters that can only evoke a feeling of dislike, although they are our compatriots. They are not the pride of Russia, its soul, its future. These “dead souls” are contrasted with the image of Rus as a troika. In this romantic image, Gogol’s love for the Motherland is expressed, and his faith in her great future. Gogol is not clear about the ways of further development of the Motherland. He writes: “Rus, where are you rushing, give an answer, does not give an answer!” But in one thing he was convinced – in the future greatness of the Russian people. the land of the lords, the autocratic-feudal, official Russia This idea of love-hate will be further developed in the works of Gogol and Nekrasov. The heroes of the “Inspector”, “Dead Souls” are characters who can only arouse a feeling of dislike, although they are ours They are not the pride of Russia, its soul, its future. This “dead soul” is opposed to the image of Rus as a troika, in this romantic image both Gogol’s love for the Motherland and his faith in her great future are expressed. further development. Ment home, he writes: “Russia! Where are you rushing? Give an answer. He does not give an answer! “But in one thing he was convinced – in the future greatness of the Russian people. the land of the lords, the autocratic-feudal, official Russia This idea of love-hate will be further developed in the works of Gogol and Nekrasov. The heroes of the “Inspector”, “Dead Souls” are characters who can only arouse a feeling of dislike, although they are ours They are not the pride of Russia, its soul, its future. This “dead soul” is opposed to the image of Rus as a troika, in this romantic image both Gogol’s love for the Motherland and his faith in her great future are expressed. further development. Ment home, he writes: “Russia! Where are you rushing? Give an answer. He does not give an answer! “But in one thing he was convinced – in the future greatness of the Russian people. This idea of love-hate will be further developed in the works of Gogol and Nekrasov. Heroes “Inspector”, “Dead Souls” are characters that can only evoke a feeling of dislike, although they are our compatriots. They are not the pride of Russia, its soul, its future. These “dead souls” are contrasted with the image of Rus as a troika. In this romantic image, Gogol’s love for the Motherland is expressed, and his faith in her great future. Gogol is not clear about the ways of further development of the Motherland. He writes: “Rus, where are you rushing, give an answer, does not give an answer!” But in one thing he was convinced – in the future greatness of the Russian people. This idea of love-hate will be further developed in the works of Gogol and Nekrasov. Heroes “Inspector”, “Dead Souls” are characters that can only evoke a feeling of dislike, although they are our compatriots. They are not the pride of Russia, its soul, its future. These “dead souls” are contrasted with the image of Rus as a troika. In this romantic image, Gogol’s love for the Motherland is expressed, and his faith in her great future. Gogol is not clear about the ways of further development of the Motherland. He writes: “Rus, where are you rushing, give an answer, does not give an answer!” But in one thing he was convinced – in the future greatness of the Russian people. They are not the pride of Russia, its soul, its future. These “dead souls” are contrasted with the image of Rus as a troika. In this romantic image, Gogol’s love for the Motherland is expressed, and his faith in her great future. Gogol is not clear about the ways of further development of the Motherland. He writes: “Rus, where are you rushing, give an answer, does not give an answer!” But in one thing he was convinced – in the future greatness of the Russian people. They are not the pride of Russia, its soul, its future. These “dead souls” are contrasted with the image of Rus as a troika. In this romantic image, Gogol’s love for the Motherland is expressed, and his faith in her great future. Gogol is not clear about the ways of further development of the Motherland. He writes: “Rus, where are you rushing, give an answer, does not give an answer!” But in one thing he was convinced – in the future greatness of the Russian people.
Feeling of a fiery love for the Motherland, Nekrasov’s entire work is permeated.
Not to the heavens of a foreign Motherland –
I wrote songs to my Motherland! -:
declared the poet in the poem “Silence”. He loved the Motherland with a deep and tender filial love. “Motherland, I have reconciled myself to the heart, returned to you with a loving heart”; “Motherland, I have not traveled along your plains yet with a feeling like this”; “You and the wretched, you are plentiful, you and powerful, you and powerless, Mother Rus!” – with such words the poet addressed the Motherland. In the work of Nekrasov, the words “love of the Motherland” were constantly connected with the words “anger” and “sorrow”:
Who lives without sorrow and anger,
He does not love his country,
he wrote. Loving the Motherland, Nekrasov never tired of hating the structure of tsarist Russia, its ruling classes. He loved hate, and this love-hate expresses the peculiarity of patriotism of Nekrasov, the faithful son of his Motherland, the great folk poet-fighter.
The framework of the work does not allow us to continue the review of the work of Russian writers and poets who dedicated their most intimate lines to the Motherland. I would also like to write about the coverage of the topic of the Motherland, Russia in the works of L. Tolstoy, Chernyshevsky, Chekhov, Saltykov-Shchedrin, and the works of Blok, Yesenin, Mayakovsky, A. Tolstoy, Sholokhov, Tvardovsky, who devoted many remarkable lines to this topic. It is a pity that the lack of time does not allow this. And I want to finish the composition with the memorable lines of FI Tyutchev about Russia, in which the essence of our beloved country, in which we now live, is invested surprisingly:
Russia can not understand Russia’s
intellect, Arshin can not measure everything in common.
She has a special place
in Russia. One can only believe in Russia.
The theme of the motherland in Russian literature