The author, telling us about the village school in which he once studied, proudly talks about the role of the great teachers in his life who, not wanting to put up with poverty in school, tried in every possible way to make the life of their students and fellow villagers better and more interesting. With great enthusiasm, VP Astafyev tells of the small deeds of teachers committed for the sake of their students. All this contributed to what the pupils of their teachers remembered all their lives.
The writer believes that a real teacher, who is ready to help his students in distress, plays a huge role in the life of the child and that his image “dissolves in the memory of the people with whom and for whom they lived.”
I completely agree with the writer’s opinion. Such teachers, which are described in the text, will forever remain in the hearts of even the most negligent and disobedient students.
I recall the story of V. Rasputin “Lessons of the French”, whose protagonist, an ordinary rural boy, a difficult fate and hunger makes the game start for money with local boys. And although his teacher Lydia Mikhailovna, from the point of view of the school administration, chooses not a very correct way to help the student, but she does it, in a difficult situation, sincerely wishing to help the boy who found not only a mentor but a friend in the teacher.
And the teacher of the circle Vladimir Lavrentievich, the hero of the story of Yevgeny Grishkovets, “The Chief”, enjoys authority among his students, because he, the true teacher, brings up the children’s sense of beauty, the ability to show individuality, the ability to live and work in a team.
Thus, we can conclude that the role of a teacher in a person’s life is enormous. And if on your way there will be a real teacher, then he will remain in the memory of students and their parents.
The role of teachers in human life