The problem of nobility

What is nobility is the problem raised by Tsetlin.

This moral question, which caused controversy in past centuries, pushed hundreds of good and bad people into a duel, is still relevant to this day. In our time, the author believes, there are very few noble people who are able to help others selflessly. For us, young, in his opinion, a bright example of a truly noble person should be Don Quixote. His desire to fight evil and injustice is the foundation of true nobility.

Yu Tsetlin believes that a person “must be able in all circumstances to remain honest, unshakable, proud,” humane and generous.

I fully agree with the opinion of the author of the text: a noble person is distinguished by sincere love for people, a desire to help them, the ability to sympathize, empathize, and for this it is necessary to have a sense of dignity and a sense of duty, honor and pride.

A truly noble man was described by Leo Tolstoy in the epic novel War and Peace. The writer endowed one of the main characters of his work, Andrei Bolkonsky, not only with an external nobility, but also with an inner one, which he discovered in himself not immediately. Andrei Bolkonsky had a lot to go through, a lot to rethink before he could forgive his enemy Anatoly Kuragin, an intriguer and traitor, helplessly lying on the operating table during the Battle of Borodino. Seeing this deeply suffering man, who had just lost a leg, Bolkonsky no longer felt hatred for him. Here it is, true nobility!

All of us, young, the motto of our life, should be considered the words of the poet-bard Bulat Okudzhava: “Conscience, Nobility and Dignity – this is it, my holy army!”

The problem of nobility