The problem of moral choice is composition

What makes a person different from other creatures on earth? The fact that when creating a person, God gave him the mind, the soul, and also the Creator made him free. Free in his choice. The problem of choice is the most important in the life of any person. As it is sung in one famous song: “Everyone chooses a woman, religion, a road for himself, a devil to serve or a prophet – everyone chooses by themselves.” Every day we are asked how to act, which will be more accurate: turn left or right? Mikhail Sholokhov writes in his story “The Fate of a Man” about the difficulty and necessity of moral choice. His hero, Andrei Sokolov, as well as all people, faces the need to choose. The difference between his choice is that sometimes the fate of people around him depended on his right step. So, what choice did Andrei offer to fate? And which path did he choose? For the first time, life put before him a dilemma: to go or not to go to war. Although for the hero himself, there was not even such a question. Andrei firmly decided to fight for the Motherland. And even his wife’s tears and heavy forebodings could not shake his decisions: “… She says, and every word sobs:” My dear… Andrew… I will not see you and me… more… on this… light “… Here, from the pity to her, her heart is torn apart, and here she is with such words… Evil took me here!” I broke my arms with her strength and gave her a little push… “Scene the murder of Andrei the traitor – another indicator of the moral choice of the hero. You can argue about this scene. It is impossible to justify the strangulation of a man only by the fact that he was a traitor. Also, he still did not betray anyone, but only “scared”. But Andrew decides to end the correspondence traitor.

What justifies the hero? It justifies him that he did this deed for the benefit of not himself, but to another person. But all the same, the unnecessary pathos of the scene, in my opinion, destroys the whole image of the hero. This moral choice of Andrew is knocked out of the author’s interpretation of his character and understanding of life. Why did Sholokhov make Sokolov a murderer? Just to show his understanding of the feelings of the shoulder and compassion for others? Or to show that in every, even the most beautiful, person in an extreme situation, something animal can awake?

Rereading the episode in which Andrei talks about his feelings after the murder, we observe a paradox. On the one hand, Dostoevsky’s symbolic motives (hope of a resurrection of the soul) on the face, on the other hand, are an obvious stretch in the words about the traitor: “Before that, I felt sick after that, and I wanted to wash my hands terribly, like I was not a man, then the creeping reptile smothered… The first time in my life I killed, and then my… Yes, what kind of man is he? He is thinner than a stranger, a traitor. ” The moral choice of Andrei Sokolov, made by him in the interrogation scene by Mueller, on the contrary, reveals his character as pure and noble. In contrast to the bestial feeling that the hero had in the episode of the murder, during the interrogation he surprisingly maintains his human dignity. Refusing to drink for the victory of the German troops in the face of death, Andrei made his choice. This heroic choice is worth a lot. Not everyone, not every person in such a terrible situation, when his life is at stake, will find the strength not to give up his beliefs for his own skin. And Andrei Sokolov was able. That’s why Mueller was surprised and departed from Andrew, he saw the full force of his will. The choice made by Sokolov could not but deserve respect from any person, even the commandant of the concentration camp. But fate was preparing Andrew another terrible choice. After the death of his entire family, the hero did not have a single hope. Another person might think of suicide, but Andrei Sokolov chose life. Meeting with the “new son” is one of the most touching scenes in the story. Two lost souls have found each other and brought to life both meaning, love and faith in tomorrow. Of course it is possible, talk about the “gift” presented to Sokolov by fate in the person of Vanyusha. But after all, the hero committed an act, he made a choice – Sokolov decided to take the boy to himself. He decided to take on the care of this “petty ptahe”: “There was a burning tear in me, and at once I decided:” It is not possible for us to separate separately! I’ll take him to my own children. “And immediately I felt light and light in my soul.” At heart the hero was light. The right moral choice always brings with it catharsis, and behind it is happiness and a sense of justice. In his story, Sholokhov did not try to teach the reader to do so, and not otherwise. He simply showed, on the example of one, a single fate of a person, how a moral choice changes our life. How the actions that we have committed transform us and the world around us, what they bring to us, what consequences may be in the wrong moral choice. Here you need to remember the traitor who was killed by Andrei, who went on the wrong path and paid for it… with his life.



