The Problem of Generations

The problem of mutual understanding of generations was reflected in the work of many Russian writers of the 19th and 20th centuries, it worries contemporary writers and, I think, will always be relevant as long as human society exists and develops. Each of the writers in his own way saw this conflict and its participants. So, for example, in comedy A.

S. Griboyedov Chatsky, representative of the present century. the spokesman of progressive ideas, comes into conflict with the reactionary FAMUS society and its foundations of the past century. So it is in Grozeh A.

N. Ostrovsky youth is a bright ray in the dark kingdom of obsolete samodours. M.

Yu. Lermontov, on the contrary, saw the best in the outgoing generation that he did not find in his contemporaries. Common in many cases for this conflict was that it was caused by a difference in life principles or political views of the parties.

In the conflict between Ivan Turgenev’s novel Fathers and Children, the ideological antagonism of noble liberals and democrats of the 1960s and the 19th century was reflected.

Disclosure of it is subject to the system of characters of the work clash of the century and the present century determines the distinction between the heroes of the fathers and children. The characters of the work do not divide the author into two antagonistic camps simply by age. A sincere and convinced exponent of the ideas of children can only be called Bazarova.

Arkady Kirsanov, the coeval of Eugene and initially his like-minded, finally chooses the life principles of the fathers and finds himself in their camp. Bazarov, who embodied in the novel the type of the newest generation, the democrat, the raznochintsy, the new hero of Russian literature is the central character of the work. He really is a typical representative of democratic youth of the 60s.

His thoughts reflected the ideas of the greatest figures of the Russian democratic movement.



