Childhood is one of the most magical and memorable periods in the life of most people. In the text of DA Granin, a Russian writer, public figure, the problem of the value of childhood is raised.
In revealing this problem, the author writes that “childhood is an independent kingdom, a separate country, independent of the adult future.” DA Granin notes that during this period it seems as if the whole world is arranged for you, because then there are no duties, no sense of duty. The writer draws our attention to the fact that as a child, a lyrical hero could do what his heart wants: to flee to the field, fly with clouds, “to sail away” to the country of Fenimore Cooper or Jack London. The author gives the reader to understand that childhood is a time of freedom.
According to DA Granin, “childhood remains the main and over the years only becomes more beautiful.” The author writes that in childhood there was no understanding of the value of love and friendship, no fame, no travel, only real life was. The author notes that “childhood is black bread,” which was not then. The Russian Soviet writer draws our attention to the fact that food from childhood necessarily disappears somewhere. DA Granin informs the reader that in childhood there was something incredible and magical that in the course of time many adults have only memories.
The position of the author is very clear. DA Granin believes that childhood is a time for external and internal freedom, it’s time for joy, delight and miracles.
I agree with the author. After all, it was in childhood, as long as there were no different duties, a person can do anything, and all the bad things that happened in childhood are well remembered and stored in memory.
To prove my idea, I will cite as an example the novel by I. A. Goncharov “Oblomov.” The main hero II Oblomov dreams of his homeland – the village of Oblomovka. It was there that he spent his carefree childhood, in which there was neither fussiness nor violent activity. Little Oblomov did not have any responsibilities – for him all did nannies and servants. Ilya Ilyich forgot that at first he was a very frisky child, but because of strict observation and frequent prohibitions he was used to a slow and calm life. II Oblomov grew up as a dreamer, and sees his own Oblomovka, in which he has matured, in dreams sees the earthly paradise.
Over time, the bad is forgotten, children perceive life differently than adults. I will give an example from foreign literature.
As a second example, proving my idea, I will bring the philosophical tale of Antoine de Saint-Exupery “The Little Prince”. A well-known French writer praises childhood and writes that children can see the wonderful in everyday life. For example, adults can not see the lamb through the walls of the box, only children can do it. Only the child sees the boa constrictor on the outside and inside, not the hat. Unfortunately, very often this ability disappears with age. The author informs the reader that childhood is the time of inner freedom.
Thus, childhood – this is the real life, the perfect time of freedom.
The problem of childhood writing