“The inner beauty of man” composition

How often do we say: “What a handsome man!” And what does “beauty” mean? It seems to me that this inner concept includes first of all the inner, spiritual content, when a person lives in harmony with the world around him and himself, does his favorite thing, realizes his own benefit for the society, is self-sufficient, he does not need to befuddle himself with alcohol and drugs to feel happiness. Beauty, if it is true, always self-fulfilling. After all, it does not matter what a person is doing, if he creates good and beauty around him, he does the task entrusted with complete dedication, and in another way, and not if it’s good and interesting, I want to imitate him.
I think that the true beauty of a person is inner beauty, his soul, a hot, responsive, kind heart. After all, if one person is ready to do everything for the other, give the most expensive, respond to any request, help in any situation, without thinking about gratitude, then this is a handsome man who even external unattractiveness will not interfere with doing good. I am for sincerity, justice and true beauty of man. Such people should be very much, then the world will change to another, a good side, there will be no evil, fighting, killing, wars.
One can not be handsome in whose heart anger, cruelty, envy, meanness, greed or hypocrisy live. All these low qualities necessarily impose their imprint on even the most ideal and beautiful face. We can not call handsome and lazy, who spends whole days in “doing nothing”, whose life is absolutely pointless and useless. In my opinion, an indifferent person can not be truly beautiful. His face does not reflect the thought, there is no spark in his gaze, there are no emotions in his speeches. A man with an empty gaze and a boredom print on his face is unattractive.
And on the contrary, even the most modest, inconspicuous person, who does not possess from nature a perfect beauty, but is endowed with the beauty of the soul, is undoubtedly beautiful. A kind, sympathetic heart, significant deeds, useful deeds adorn and illuminate every face with inner light. In a man everything should be fine. This means that there must be harmony between body and soul, thoughts and actions, aspirations and way of life. It is this kind of person that people around will be called truly beautiful.
“Beauty will save the world!” I think true beauty is harmony. And if it will exist always and in everything, it really will not let our complicated and ambiguous, boiling passions, insane and such a wonderful world perish!
On the question of what is the beauty of a man, it is difficult to answer, if only because for each beauty is expressed in something of its own. Someone is very important appearance, another external “expensive” entourage in the form of clothes, the third, oddly enough appreciate the beauty of the soul, the so-called “inner” beauty.
The beauty of man in everything. In eyes. In deeds. In words and deeds. You just need to notice this beauty.
Ideally, when a person is harmonious, but it does not happen often.



