The composition “The role of the family in society”

The social structure of society is not only a set of interconnected social groups, but also social institutions and relations between them. What is a social institution?

The social institution is a historically established stable form of organizing joint activities of people performing certain functions in society, the main of which is the satisfaction of specific social needs.

An important social institution is the family. It arose and developed together with the formation of human society. What kind of family do you know? The legal basis of the family is the registration of marriage and family relations between a man and a woman in accordance with the laws of the society. However, the main moral condition for the creation of a family is love. Love is a deep and stable intimate moral-aesthetic individual-selective feeling, expressed in a selfless desire for another person. About love thousands of literary works have been created, countless paintings have been written, a huge number of films have been shot, but so far the person is looking for an answer to the question – what is love?

The family uniting spouses and their offspring is one of the initial forms of the social community of people in which vital functions are performed for society:

Reproductive function is the continuation of the human race.

Educational function – it is in the family that a person receives the very first lessons in his life – learns to speak, hold a spoon, walk, laugh, love, trust, take care of others….

Economic function – studies have shown that two people living together economically live better than one. In addition, parents financially provide their children, give them education, so that later children help their elderly parents.

Psychological function – the family is the union of people close to each other, it is in the family that a person finds support in difficult times, in a family, a person rests and restores his strength.

In Russia, one of the priority areas of social policy is the social protection of the family, motherhood, paternity and childhood. A number of state institutions and organizations are designed to assist the family in the performance of its functions (family planning centers, pre-school institutions, registry offices, women’s clinics, maternity homes, etc.). Particular care is taken by the state surrounding children left without parental care and large families. Families raising children have the right to receive a number of social benefits, which are the material assistance of the state in the upbringing and maintenance of children. Naturally, the economic crisis could not but affect the position of the family. In the early 1990s, the birth rate in Russia fell sharply, the number of divorces increased, and the number of marriages contracted.

However, this trend is observed not only in Russia, but also in other countries of the world. Demographers and sociologists, psychologists and historians unanimously began to talk about the crisis of the traditional family. A traditional family is a union of a man and a woman, built on the basis of patriarchy. The woman’s subordinate position in society was based on unequal relations in the family. A man acts as the head of the family, the owner, the breadwinner, makes important decisions. The woman is the keeper of the home, leads the household, gives birth and brings up the children. For a long time, the main sphere of the woman was considered to be a house and a family. In the recent past, a working woman leaving a job left her job. The professional and career interests of men were higher than the professional interests of women. With the proclamation of equality of rights between men and women, the economic role of women has increased both in the family and in society. The appearance of various household appliances facilitated domestic work and allowed the woman to devote more time to her professional career. Alignment of the social status of men and women has also affected family relations. In place of the traditional patriarchal family came the family partner. Its main features are equal relations between spouses, joint decision-making and housekeeping, parents participate equally in the upbringing of children, the economic contribution of each spouse to the family is approximately the same. However, a change in the value system in society, a more tolerant attitude toward sexual relations outside the family led to the fact that at present there is a growing number of incomplete families in society,

The importance of the family for the spiritual and physical health of each individual and the whole society has long been seen by the state. Therefore, family relations are regulated by a special branch – family law, which determines the position of the family in society, establishes the procedure for concluding and dissolving marriage, the rights and duties of spouses, parents and children, regulates the property relations of spouses, etc. The main source of family law is the Family Code of the Russian Federation.

Family life and its functions are multifaceted; they are related to the intimate life of the spouses, the extension of the family, the upbringing of children, with the general conduct of the household, mutual assistance in everyday life. All this is inconceivable without spiritual communication, without observance of moral and legal norms.



