The composition of the picture Glazunov “Russia, wake up”

Picture “Russia, wake up!” is deeply permeated with tragedy. Once in an interview Ilya Glazunov mentioned that he is a tragic pessimist, because an optimist is a poorly informed pessimist. But, however, with the exhibitions of Glazunov millions of spectators endure a huge energy charge that helps them live and believe in Russia. On the accursed question of our time – “What to do?” – the artist gives his answers: “Believe and fight, God is with us!” The 

Each Glazunov’s work is not only intimate, intimate and mysterious in its simplicity, but also journalistic. In his paintings, you can learn that terrible hard times, when the national suicide was committed, expressed in the collapse of the once-indivisible and great Russian Empire. Many peoples of our country, but above all Russian, feel all the treachery and criminality of the genocide, the purpose of which is to erase the name “Russia” and the name “Russian” from the face of the world. The words of Tsar Alexander III are known, that Russia has only two ally – its army and navy. And we know what’s going on in the army and the navy today. It is known that the old are today doomed to starvation, and those who work do not consider it necessary to pay for their work. Thriving drug addiction, debauchery, prostitution. From the mass media it is known that children are sold on the ” on the expanses of our country. Today, the Russian people, reduced and dismembered as a result of fratricidal war, famine, morality, humiliation and betrayal, are brought to their knees. on the expanses of our country. Today, the Russian people, reduced and dismembered as a result of fratricidal war, famine, morality, humiliation and betrayal, are brought to their knees.

“Someone else’s voice teaches us on the radio. The strangers enter our homes from the TV screens. Why do we need to be beaten yet, so that we understand, finally realize our disastrous situation? To turn our gaze to heaven, to Him who said: Call upon me in the day of your trouble, and I will deliver you. “Thus wrote the great pastor of modern times, John, the Metropolitan of Petersburg and Ladoga, who is so honored by the faithful: the picture is large-3 x 2 meters, the young man lifting the New Testament in one hand to the sky in one hand, and the other to the famous Kalashnikov assault rifle. As always, every centimeter of Glazunov’s work bears a great sense, the idea of ​​the picture sounds so acute in our time – in the days of the new genocide of the Russian people. “On the belt of a half-naked young man, Suvorov’s famous words became a symbol of the Russian army:” God is with us! “.

The artist does not limit himself to the image of the spiritual life of Russia in the image of Christ – he reminds us of ancient Slavic mythology, revealing a completely unusual image of Perun, whose name was vowed by Rurik’s vigilantes. We see the archangel Michael, the eternal fighter with Satan, involuntarily recall the Archangel Cathedral in the Kremlin, where Russian tsars and grand dukes who created our Great Power are buried. A young warrior with a girl dressed in military uniform, as if growing out of the cracked, as if poured by the blood of the Earth. Behind them is the power of the Russian heavenly host, the holy saints of God. Memories of Sergius of Radonezh and Patriarch Hermogenes are remembered. In the attack for the Fatherland goes to battle an old man – a veteran of the Great Patriotic War. Very useful Glazunov uses the image of the commander, who is going to attack the Germans during the hard times of 1941. But the Russian family, put up for sale. In the left corner – dead drunk bums make a terrible modern motif in the passionate appeal of Ilya Glazunov: “Russia, wake up!”

The composition of the picture Glazunov “Russia, wake up”