Negative nineties successfully passed into the picture of Ilya Glazunov “The market of our democracy.” A great Russian artist, combines in his work realism and symbolism. His paintings impress the viewer with the large size and straightforwardness of the plot.
“The market of our democracy” is a very large picture. The spectator will be surprised by the complexity of the composition and the many characters. The painting was written in 1999.
On the canvas, the thoughts of a simple people living in Russia post-Soviet times are visualized. The painter paints on the one canvas all the lawlessness and abomination of the nineties. Nightmare for the artist is depravity and corruption, reigning in this difficult time.
According to the idea of Glazunov, the picture sums up the reign of Boris Yeltsin’s team. Yeltsin himself is depicted on the canvas with a conductor’s baton. He is still trying to rule the country. Glazunov does not make Yeltsin the center of the composition, but portrays him from the side, among other figures. The artist wants to show that the organizer of what is happening in the picture, it is the man with the baton. Many of the attributes of Western culture on the canvas speak of the faith of the Democrats in the American dream, which has never been realized for anyone.
The composition of Glazunov’s “The Market of Our Democracy”