In the family, our parents teach us to be just, kind. But, unfortunately, this quality does not always depend on you, but can depend on what is happening around us. Goodness is a concept, of our education, which characterizes us on the positive side.
In our difficult times, when the whole world is governed by cruelty and aggression, there is still a sprout of good in our world. And all people living on earth do not cease to believe that good always overcomes evil. Good deeds, good attitude warms us, shows what moral values should be. Good deeds allow a person to become worthy and noble.
There is a belief that whatever person does acts, good or evil, on himself he will see all the reflection and everything will return to him. As a rule, everything that we do not, will return to us back, as if we looked in the mirror and saw our reflection. All people receive only on merit. Therefore, if a person has everything badly, nothing happens, then this is due only to the fact that he himself once did something wrong, not morally.
Of course, you can not think that for every action with you will understand fate. But according to the principles of physics, everything returns to man as a boomerang. But, unfortunately, good does not always come back. Every act has its own time. And the kindness committed by man will necessarily return to him. Kindness must go from the depths of the soul, free of charge.
Good can not always return good. But in any case, by doing a good deed, helping someone, the soul becomes so warm that the desire to repeat a good deed always remains in the soul.
If a person directs his thoughts to good, to a good deed, then the feeling of joy of the soul will accompany throughout life. Do not be afraid to do good, regardless of whether it returns or not.
The composition “Good comes back good”