Strength… This word carries great importance. Perhaps, after hearing this word, many people have thoughts about physical strength, people with muscles and muscles are imagined. But what other power is there? Strength is spiritual, strong-willed, that is, an inner force in a person, which is its core in life.
A person who has inner strength is called strong. What is it? How is it different from the weak? A strong person has always his opinion on any issue, but recognizes the opinions of others and does not impose his own; he has certain goals in life, which he achieves, even if circumstances do not allow, even if everyone in him has lost hope and faith, and he continues to believe in himself.
A strong person always remains a person, he always chooses justice, good, the right ways to solve problems. He never succumbs to difficult life circumstances, he is always in the way of their elimination. He does not lose heart, even if there are gray clouds in the sky, but in real life there are solid troubles.
What makes a person strong? The answer is very simple – life. It is life that sculpts, creates, and undermines us. In life, everything is not so simple. It is important not to lose yourself. There are difficult moments, we face betrayal, we lose our work, our relatives, our friends, we face injustice and evil one-on-one. In such times it is very important to collect all the will into a fist and say to myself “I will not give up, I will pass this difficult path,” to believe in yourself.
There are such strong people who cause admiration. Seeing them, your thoughts turn upside down. I want to give an example from life. Twice a week my friends and I go to the sports ground and always there face a young man who many times pulls up on the bar. It would seem that this is nothing special, but he lacks both legs. This is power in man. He did not succumb to circumstances, he simply defeated himself, he simply continues to live and enjoy life.
Also I want to talk about my aunt, who since childhood dreamed of becoming a doctor. But three years in a row, she could not go to the medical university. But despite this, she did not accept this, she persistently continued to study the relevant subjects, read and searched for new information in the field of medicine. All this time work on several works. For the fourth year already no one believed in her strength, but she was very persistent and did it. Now she is a doctor of medical sciences and we are all proud of her. She was helped by inner strength. You have to be strong! Life does not like the weak, but the strong all the ways are open. You must always believe in yourself.