Category: Schoolwork
The writing of war is crueler than the word
War – crueler there is no word. War – sadder there is no word War is holier than words In the melancholy and glory of these years. And on our lips is different It can not yet be. A. T. Twardowski Since June 1941, Alexander Tvardovsky begins work in the editorial office of the newspaper…
Love of all ages submits to writing
During our life we hear a lot of words about love many times. She is submissive to all ages, she is a dangerous path and so on. Words are familiar from childhood, but we start thinking about love only with age. Children love everyone. For them there is no difference in love for a kitten…
Orphaned writing
The family is the main value in the life of any person. Family is a place where people love and wait for us. Family – these are people whom we love, who we care about, to whom we wish good and happiness. From time to time a miracle happens in the family. It’s a miracle…
The essay on the problem of ecology
Recently thought, and in what world will we live and our children? I would like to believe that it will be better, because all technologies are adjusted to the needs of people. But there is one problem that has not yet been resolved. This is the problem of ecology. For thousands of years people drank…
Joy of life essay
Unfortunately, most of us in everyday life are accustomed to focus only on negative emotions. The daily routine of affairs and worries drags a person into a whirlpool of hopeless existence, and he voluntarily deprives himself of big and small daily joys. It is only worth thinking about and it becomes immediately apparent that sincere…
The composition of a birch
My favorite tree is the birch. This tree is a symbol of Russia. Probably, in all poems, books and songs, a birch tree is compared with a young girl. I think that such a comparison is good. I also think that a thin and white birch is like a girl. It is as flexible, same…
Composition on why
The human body contains about 47 liters of water. It turns out that in many of our bodies there is surprisingly much water. For example, the muscles are 75% water, the liver 70%, the brain 79%, and the kidney 83%! But this body fluid is not pure water. In fact it is a saline solution.…
Description of the summer morning composition
In summer the day starts early. And in the summer it’s not too difficult to wake up early to enjoy the dawn. At first the sky turns white, then a scarlet dawn flares on it, birds begin to chirp in the foliage of trees. The sky is still pale, and not yet blue, as in…
What is upbringing?
First we turn to the explanatory dictionary. “Education is the ability to behave.” What does it mean to be able to behave in a team? Being a well-bred person is both the ability to greet and support the conversation in the community, and to eat, dress, and act in public. And those who believe that…
My favorite hobby is composition
Favorite activities make life more fun Each person has a favorite pastime that raises the mood and makes at least a little happy. It’s so boring when you have absolutely nothing to do in your spare time, but it always saves something special from sadness – it’s a hobby. Some people have one, but others…