Russian language as a developing phenomenon

As we know, language originated in the process of global social development, and since human civilization is constantly moving forward and developing, and the language itself is forced to improve and develop. The Russian language is no exception in this case, therefore, it constantly undergoes significant changes.

This concerns the vocabulary of the language, which is enriched with social development, the morphological norms that undergo changes, the emergence of syntactic constructions and the fixing of new norms of pronunciation of words.

Significant changes in the public life of countries that speak a particular language are also reflected in changes in the language and its vocabulary. Thus, regularly some words disappear from language usage, new ones appear, and some old words acquire new meanings.

Language is studied as a historically developing object

For this reason, analysis of the features of language change is an important part of the study of the form of existence of the language and its fundamental characteristics. Just how the language develops and modernizes speaks about its true nature.

The main reason for the constant dynamism of the Russian language is its very purpose – the main means of communication between people in any society. But in order for the Russian language to fully fulfill its function, it must correspond to a certain time and a certain type of development of society.

In the essence of the constant development of language lies the reflection of an ever changing and dynamically moving reality. Therefore, the continuous development of language – this is one of its main properties.

But the development of language is associated with yet another reason. This is the need to improve technical deficiencies, common language equipment and eliminate its defects. And a significant change in language can depend on the environment in which it constantly exists, and on its own internal machinery and technology.

Sometimes it is rather problematic to determine what exactly triggered the evolution of a certain language. After all, language transformations occur gradually, and it is rather difficult to track them immediately.

But there is one feature. which is always inherent in key language changes. Regardless of other factors, the development of language is characterized by a tendency to preserve it in a state of communicative fitness.

This often leads to the fact that language as a system develops unevenly, and different parts of its system (Lexicon, Phonetics) have different rates of transformation. But in this case the language needs changes, because only in this way it can be suitable for communication between people.

This suggests that the variability of the language – this is both the causes and conditions, and the result of speech activity. Therefore, language is defined as an integral unity, both stable and mobile, since it can only exist stably if it is in constant development.



