Review of Shukshin’s story “Cut”

Interest in the personality and fate of V. Shukshin, the wide recognition of his books and films are due to the close, bloody connection between the personal fate of the writer and the fate of his heroes.
In his art, the life of the artist and the creatures of his fantasy interwoven so intricately that it is impossible to make out who is calling out to humanity – the writer Shukshin or the character of the story.
The peculiarity of Shukshin’s creativity, the striking unity of his artistic world, are primarily based on the unique personality of the artist himself, who grew up on the people’s soil and managed to express the whole direction of the spiritual life of the people.
Since the times of Lomonosov, the Russian village has produced many savvy, intelligent and active people who are very serious about life and art. They glorified the Russian Land, seized the heights of world science and culture, but remained faithful to their “small homeland” forever. Known a whole galaxy of writers: V. Astafyev, V. Belov, V. Rasputin, in whose fate the spiritual memory of the people and the universal human culture were united.
Vasily Shukshin began with stories about fellow countrymen, artless and artless. But already at the very beginning I discovered new opportunities in the image of a person, I managed to see the general in a private. The collection “Villagers” – the beginning. Not only the creative path, but also a great theme – love of the homeland, the village.
For Vasily Shukshin, the village is a social, national and moral concept where the whole complex of human relations converges. And as it usually happens, the desire to say one’s own word about people who are close turns into reflections about their people’s life.
And at a time when some critics stubbornly attributed Shukshin to “peasants”, the writer thought not only about the village and the city – about Russia, about the Russian national character.
I would like to talk more about one small story, “Cut”. In general, Shukshin wrote that around each externally unpretentious story a “field” of critical and reader’s reflections and conclusions arose. It has long been known that talent can not be reduced to either a formula or a system of formulas. And maybe, it is no accident that with the evolution of Shukshin’s creative work critical differences only increase. But that’s strange: with all sorts of contradictions in the assessment of different heroes of Shukshin, critics are directly unanimous in the understanding of Gleb Kapustin. Or is it so simple, is this Gleb Kapustin clear? At first glance, yes.
Gleb Kapustin – a blond man of forty years, “well-read and malicious.” Guys especially lead him to various visiting celebrities, so he cut them off. What for it to muzhiks? Yes, here they get some kind of pleasure from the fact that their village, their own, can cut off any visitor, a scientist. “Cut off” he and another “noble” guest, a certain candidate of science Zhuravlev. A conversation took place between them. And it is important in him that Gleb Kapustin understands Zhuravlev, but Gleb for the candidate is an absolute mystery. Kapustin understands that the candidate should not be struck face to face in front of fellow countrymen. And he will persist or point out a meaningful laugh when it comes to matters he does not seem to need to know. The candidate gets strong.
The struggle was on an equal footing: the candidate considered Gleb a fool, Kapustin, for sure, managed to seize the main thing in Zhuravlev – arrogance – and “cut” him in front of the peasants.
Kapustin himself explained his feature: “Do not bully above the waterline, or else take too much on yourself.” And more: “You can write hundreds of times in all articles” people “, but this will not add to the knowledge. most people, then be a little more collected. “” Prepared, or something. “And then it’s easy to find yourself in fools.”
Gleb is not simple, as Shukshin’s heroes are generally ambiguous, but he is cruel, and “no one has ever hated cruelty anywhere,” the author notes, although some of Gleb’s judgments are not unfounded.
In this small analysis, I did not want to justify Gleb, but to show that the candidate Zhuravlev is still not up to the mark. And it seemed obvious to me, embedded in the text. A true intellectual would openly and condescendingly chuckle. on Gleb, and then quite rudely “poke” him?
Shukshin knew the value of genuine intelligence and spoke in this respect with weight and precision: “Let’s start with the fact that this phenomenon is an intelligent person – rare.” This is a troubled conscience, a mind, a complete lack of voice, when required – for consonance – to “sing” to a mighty bass a bitter disagreement with himself because of the accursed question: “What is truth?”, pride, and – compassion for the fate of the people. It is inevitable, painful. If all this is in one person, he is an intellectual. But this is not all. The intellectual knows that intelligence is not an end in itself. ”
Already at the very beginning of the creative path, in the article “As I understand the story,” Shukshin definitely stated that “without a sincere, disturbing thought about man, about good, about evil, about beauty,” there is no writer.
Leo Tolstoy said: “The main goal of art, if there is art and has a purpose, is to manifest and express the truth about the soul of man.”
The driving forces in Shukshin’s works are not external events, the plot is just an excuse to start a conversation. Then the motive “disappears,” and “the soul, wisdom,” the mind, the feeling begins to speak. More and more often the heroes of Shukshin think about the basics of being, they are increasingly turning to so-called “eternal questions”.
Disturbing thoughts about the meaning of life were painted in different tones by Shukshin, “insoluble” questions were asked with varying degrees of tension: they could reveal tragic despair and light sadness, the cry of the soul “at the limit” and mournful thoughts about the finitude of being, sad thoughts about the momentary human life,
And the words of V. Shukshin stay with us: “We should be a little kinder to be.” We once, it happened, we live on earth. ”
With this lived, in it believed, it was preached by Vasily Shukshin. With this we will live!



