Relief of Australia

Since the most ancient platforms in the relief correspond to flat areas, the relief of Australia is rather monotonous and similar to the relief of Africa. Here, too, the territory is mostly flat. The average height is only 215 m above sea level. In the west, within the shield, the plain is somewhat elevated and forms a low West Australian plateau. To the east of the plateau within the ancient trough lies the flat Central Plain, whose surface in the middle lies below sea level. The eastern part within the ancient folding belt is occupied by low mountains – the Great Dividing Ridge. Mountains formed in the Paleozoic era and over time were destroyed. The eastern slopes of the mountains are rapidly breaking off toward the ocean, the western slopes are more gentle. Usually the height of the mountains does not exceed 1000 m. Only in the south are the Australian Alps, here and there overcoming the two thousandth mark. This is the only area in Australia where snow all year round in shaded gorges, though not a continuous cover. The highest peak of the mainland is Kosciuszko, which was discovered in the middle of the 19th century. Poles and named in honor of the Polish national hero.



