The creative history of the novel “Oblomov” originates in the life of the author himself – Ivan Goncharov. For the writer, he said, it was important to depict the real reality, not leaving on the “thinker’s soil”. That’s why the central character – Ilya Ilich Oblomov Goncharov wrote off from himself. According to the memoirs of the writer’s contemporaries, there is much in common between the author and the character of the novel – they are both from the Russian heartland with a patriarchal obsolete way of life, both sluggish and at first glance lazy, while they have a living mind, artistic imagination and some dreaminess, which you can not say on the first impression.
The prototype of the main female image – Olga Ilyinskaya, Goncharov also derived from his own life. According to the versions of the researchers, the prototypes of the girl are the acquaintances of the writer – Elizaveta Tolstaya and Ekaterina Pavlovna Maykova. Goncharov was in love with E. Tolstoy – like Olga for Oblomov, so Elizaveta Vasilyevna was for him the ideal of a woman, cordiality, feminine intelligence and beauty. Correspondence between Goncharov and E. Tolstoy represents a parallel with the events of the novel – even the love theory of the creator and the hero of the book coincide. The author gave Olga all those beautiful features that she saw in Elizabeth Vasilyevna, carrying her own feelings and feelings on paper. As Olga was not destined to marry Oblomov in the novel, Tolstoy also expected a marriage with his cousin AI Musin-Pushkin.
The prototype of the married heroine – Olga Shtolts becomes Maikov – the wife of VN Maikov. Ekaterina Pavlovna and Goncharova were connected by a strong and lasting friendship, which began at one of the evenings of the literary salon of the Poppies. In the image of Maikova, the writer drew a completely different type of woman – continuously seeking, seeking ahead, unsatisfied, for which gradually the family life became painful and cramped. However, as some researchers have pointed out, after the last edition of the novel Oblomov, the image of Ilinsky more and more resembled not E. Ye. Tolstoy, but Maikov.
The second important female image of the novel – the image of Agafia Matveyevna Pshenitsyna, was written off by Goncharov with memories of the writer’s mother – Avdotya Matveyevna. According to the researchers, the tragedy of the marriage between Agafia and Oblomov became a reflection of the life drama of the godfather Goncharov – N. Tregubov.
The image of Stolz is not only a collectable character of the German type, a bearer of a different mentality and a different perception of the world. The story of the family of Karl-Friedrich Rudolf, father of Elizabeth Goncharova, the wife of the writer’s elder brother, was the basis of the description of the hero. This link is also indicated by the fact that in the draft editions the hero has two names – Andrei and Karl, and in his lifetime editions in the scene of the first appearance of the character his name appears as Andrei Karlovich. However, there is a version that Stolz is also one of the personifications in the novel of one of the writer’s sides – his youthful aspirations and practicality.
The history of the creation of “Oblomov” allows us to better understand the ideological meaning of the novel, its inner deep and special importance for the author. “Bearing” the idea of the work for more than ten years, Goncharov created a brilliant work, which even today makes us think about the true meaning of life, love and the search for happiness.