Physiographic location of Eurasia

Eurasia is the largest land mass on our planet. In terms of area, it occupies more than 1/3 of the Earth’s total land area.

Like North America, Eurasia is located entirely in the Northern Hemisphere relative to the equator. Its extent from west to east is impressive: the continent crosses not only the zero, but also the meridian of 180 °. For the most part, Eurasia is located in the Eastern Hemisphere, and the extreme western and eastern parts enter the Western Hemisphere.

Eurasia, like North America, is crossed simultaneously by the Arctic Circle and the Northern Tropic, so it is located in all the thermal and climatic zones of the Earth.

Eurasia – the only continent washed by the waters of all four oceans: in the east – Pacific, in the west – Atlantic, in the south – Indian, in the north – Arctic. The warmest currents of the Atlantic Ocean have the greatest influence on the nature of the continent: the North Atlantic and its

branches reaching the Arctic Ocean. These extensions of the Gulf Stream cause a considerable amount of precipitation and warm the western part of the continent, up to the Ural Mountains. In winter, when frosts in the east of Canada, at the same latitudes in Europe, heat, and the snow cover unstable.

In the Pacific, the warm current of Kuroshio, which is called the “Japanese Gulf Stream”, leads to an increase in air temperature and an increase in the amount of precipitation on the eastern coasts of Eurasia. The cold Somali current in the Indian Ocean forms the arid and hot weather of the Arabian Peninsula, where the deserts approach the ocean’s coast.

The Arctic Ocean is replenished by the warm waters of the Atlantic and partly the Pacific Oceans, so it does not cool the land of the Northern Hemisphere. Due to this, there are no such low air temperatures as in Antarctica.

Eurasia borders on other continents. From Africa it is separated by the Strait of Gibraltar, the Mediterranean Sea, the Suez Canal and the Red Sea, and from North America by the Bering Strait. As a consequence, the

similarity of the natural conditions of neighboring continents is observed.

The extreme points of Eurasia: in the north – Cape Chelyuskin, in the south – Cape Piai, in the west – Cape Roca, in the east – Cape Dezhnev.

Due to its large size, the nature of Eurasia is very diverse and contrasting. In the north, permafrost reigns, and in the south it is an eternal summer, near the shores of the seas and oceans the marine wet climate prevails, and in the interior parts of the continent there are waterless deserts.

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Physiographic location of Eurasia