Painting Vereshchagin “Napoleon on the Borodino heights”

Considering the theme of the Patriotic War of 1812 in the paintings of Vasily Vasilyevich Vereshchagin clearly shows that, on the one hand, the author showed the great patriotic spirit of the Russian people, and on the other – the true face of the great emperor. It is to such subjects that his painting “Napoleon on the Borodino heights” refers.

The author showed exactly the time when the battle of Borodino took place. At that moment, Napoleon was in the headquarters of Shevardin and watched what was happening. It is this moment that we can see in the picture. Napoleon sits on his portable chair. His whole appearance shows some tension and anxiety, perhaps the course of the battle is not moving the way the emperor thought. Also near the commander are his entourage, the headquarters and the guards in parade uniform. Some watch the battle closely, others enthusiastically discuss their own. The author with great accuracy depicted the dresses and uniforms of people close to the emperor, as well as their weapons.

The emperor himself does not consider victory in the battle of Borodino as worthy, since there were many losses. He himself did not take part and his guards are the same. Many said that in this battle he was less energetic and determined. This we can see from the artist’s work.

Painting Vereshchagin “Napoleon on the Borodino heights”